Thursday, April 01, 2004

The meeting with the record label went well yesterday. After all that, we decided to only cut one song. It's hard to piece things together on a live recording--especially an a cappella recording. We got to preview the packaging and see all the finished art work. It's looking great!

Rehearsal for Saturday night went well. JV and John Catchings are playing--what talented men! John is a world renowned cellist. He stays so busy that it's hard to plug him into Otter Creek stuff. I am really excited about him playing Saturday night. JV, of course, is an amazing pianist. Working with them made things seem so easy and quick. I am spoiled to be surrounded by such gifted people.

Rehearsal for Easter followed and also went well. We rehearsed "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" (a cool arrangement that Clarissa put to paper from weird thoughts in my head), and "Your Grace Still Amazes Me". It is a fun group singing and they sounded great!

I got home and my kids were already in bed--but just barely. I went into Maddie's room and her head was on her pillow. I leaned down and she just gave me this great sly grin. She said, "Daddy, you know what? I love you!" I just beamed. She then followed it up by saying, "You know what else? Jesus loves you!" That was it for me. Such a great reminder. I am so glad that He reaches out to us in so many ways. Sometimes it feels like Chinese water torture when you're on the run from Him. Other times His voice is like the soft rain--constantly tapping on your shoulder. Last night I went to bed feeling drenched in reminders of His provision and power in my life.

God is so good.
God is so good.
God is so good,
He's so good to ME!

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