Friday, April 23, 2004

I started back to the YMCA this week after a physical vacation for almost 4 months. I am convinced I need the outlet and Sheryl has been gracious enough to allow the time. I am doing this "sculpting class" in the mornings at 7:30. Unfortunately, it's not the kind where you get to sit still and make something. This very fit, very mean Hispanic woman spends an hour making me feel like I joined the army. I am really feeling it today.

I received a letter from a woman in Abilene this morning. She was resonating with some of the thoughts about honesty and seeking. She attached a copy of the testimony she shared at the Highland Church and it brought me to tears. I told her this--but I really believe that the Kingdom of God is being furthered through these types of stories. Whew! What a great way to start my day! (much better than getting my booty kicked by Avelia at the YMCA!)

I got a funny email from my long time buddy, Jeff Nelson, yesterday. There aren't many people who make me laugh and cry all in a matter of moments like Jeff. He mentioned the times recorded on these blogs and asked if I was truly writing at 5am some days--or was I adjusting the time to appear extra Spiritual. I was rolling. Seriously, what's the deal with these blog times? Maybe there's like Blog Central somewhere in Indonesia and the times all reflect that location. Who knows?

I have a phone interview with a writer who was contracted through the record label to create a bio on me and ZOE for our press kit. It's a funny thought to me this morning for some reason. I imagine myself saying something like..."My life has been made up of a series of mistakes and stupidities--all in an effort to serve the Lord. For some reason, He keeps using me. I have no clue why." I really do feel that way. I am not lacking in self confidence--in some ways that's how my fallen nature is most obvious. However, I wake up every day realizing how lost I am without Jesus. There are hints all around me. It is a daily battle to keep my eyes on Him. If I don't, it's trouble!

Lord, allow me to see you today. Open my heart to more of You. Give me the heart of Jesus for people. Give me wisdom and discernment. Jesus, you told us that we would hear your voice and be able to discern it from the voice of the enemy (John 10). I am camping on those promises today. I am listening for you.

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