Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Long day yesterday! We got so much accomplished on the fall conference. It was great seeing Cope and Walling. The record label meeting and the photo shoot went well too. Actually, the photo shoot was a blast. I think we all needed that. We laughed really hard all night.

One funny thing I neglected to mention this week about our Belmont experience Saturday night--during communion, Maddie was sitting in my lap and I was crying because I was telling her what the bread and juice were about and she seemed so moved. All of a sudden, she looked at me and in her "outside voice" said, "Daddy, I go poopie in the potty, get panties!!!!" It was a meaningful Spiritual experience for everyone sitting near us.

Had a great visit with Mike Cope yesterday. Mike is so pastoral. He always has been with me. I believe that is a definite Spiritual gift. You either have it or you don't. Some can grow in their abilities, but those who are truly gifted stand out head and shoulders above the rest. Mike is one of those truly gifted pastors. He shepherds with wisdom, Godly counsel, and sincerity that I haven't seen really anywhere else. I admit I am a huge Mike Cope fan, but I believe he's probably the best speaker/ pastor not only in our circles but probably anywhere. Certainly, that sounds like an overstatement. However, if you know Mike, if you've listened to him, or ever worked with him, you know it's not. I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today if Cope hadn't pulled me aside and encouraged me to go this route. I resisted it for several years, but eventually, that counsel came to fruition in my life. He allows my mom to partner with him in prayer ministries at Highland. He performed our wedding ceremony. He constantly makes himself vulnerable to me and to those he works with and leads. He isn't afraid of uncovering his deepest hurts so that others can see and learn. I have learned so much from watching him. I am so blessed to have a Spiritual mentor like Mike. We all need people in our lives who push us and challenge us to never stop growing. Maybe his best attribute is that he is a humble man who never seems to take himself too seriously. Seeing that kind of character portrayed is challenging enough.

Scott Owings, another dear brother and mentor, let me borrow a book today by Francois Fenelon--or simply, Fenelon. He was born in 1651 and was an important Spiritual figure in France. Reading just today's thoughts, I can see why. Let me leave you today with these words from Fenelon. Have a blessed day!

"God prepares a cross for you that you must embrace without thought of self-preservation. The cross is painful. Accept the cross and you will find peace even in the middle of turmoil. Let me warn you that if you push the cross away, your circumstances will become twice as hard to bear. In the long run, the pain of resisting the cross is harder to live with than the cross itself."

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