Friday, September 17, 2004

There is so much to write, I just haven't been able to bring myself to write about it all. Hotel, Otter Creek, ZOE conference, the girls, Sheryl's trip to Dallas this weekend--I mean, lots of stuff! I am going a little crazy trying to juggle it all. We have a huge event here Sunday night for prayer about the campaign for the building project. Meanwhile, I've been trying to keep my head screwed on and figure out last minute things with regard to ZOE. It's wild.

In exactly one hour, I will be a single parent for a few days. Sheryl leaves for Emily Trice's wedding today. The girls and I will have a blast. But, I'm sure a few prayers wouldn't hurt--in fact, I'll go ahead and request some. :)

God is good. I've been thinking about what it means to seek first His Kingdom. It's really a pretty scary thought. In fact, it's causing me to lose sleep at night. I want to be able to express these thoughts coherently Sunday night. Please also pray for me about that.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

SG said...

Heaven nose what keeps you up at night! :) My goodness! You have so much in the works right now! I have a feeling sleeo will come easier this week end after days of being Mr. Mom. Hope it all comes out the way you are expecting!