Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I am feeling awful. I came up for staff meeting but I am about to head back home and go back to bed. I just wanted to share this recent BST moment with you. (anyone who knows me well knows what a BST moment is...not unlike a "senior moment")

Setting: sharing a meal with two close friends at Las Palmas in Nashville. Enter a very nice couple from Otter Creek who I have known for years.

Brandon: Hi guys! How's it goin?
couple: great--so glad to see you.
Brandon: I want you to meet my friends. This is Daniel Green and Brian Hoppes. Perhaps you've met them--they also go to Otter Creek.
couple: yes, we've seen you before. Nice to meet you!
Brandon: guys, this is Dennis and Brenda Haer.
Marcus (aka Dennis): Um, that's Marcus
Brandon: How embarrassing! I am so sorry--of course that's your name. What was I thinking? I don't even know a Dennis.
Daniel: Um, except for my dad (who I definitely know)--his name is Dennis.

enter awkward silence.

Moments like these can't be bought. Geez. I could blame it on the fact that I was sick. I could tell you I never make those kinds of mistakes. But, the reality is, dumb things come out of my mouth pretty much all the time. There are more stories--enough to fill a book. This would rate waaaaaaaay down the list as most embarrassing. However, it's most recent, so I thought I would share. Anyone else have a recent embarrassing moment to share?


Tim Castle said...

No. Not me. Nope. Never happens. I never embarass myself.

I've got kids to do that for me!

wstaple said...

I once was talking to a lady from a former Sunday School class. She asked if I knew her father, and I said, "Oh, yes, I sure do. He's always been so nice to me. In fact, he was in my office just last week." To which she replied, "Uh, my dad died about 4 years ago." For some reason, I suppose because I was so sure I had talked to "him" the previous week, I said, "Are you sure?" Yep, that wasn't one of my prouder moments in life.....

Donna G said...

Sometimes being forgetful is a good thing, I too have had many such embarrasing moments, I think, but I really can't rememeber them now.......

Matt Elliott said...

This is where I agree with Cosmo Kramer -- everyone really SHOULD wear name tags. Everyone. Everywhere.

My favorite story like this comes from the former assistant principal at Greater Atlanta Christian School. One of our Asian students came in the office needing a pass to class. My friend knew this student by face, often greeted him in the hall, but just couldn't come up with his name. But he's thinking, "I'll bet I can guess his name if I just get a hint -- after all, it's got to be an Asian name, so it'll be easy!"

(Note: many of the Asian students at GACS change their name to traditional American names just to make life a bit easier for them.)

Here's how the conversation goes:

Principal: "I'll be glad to give you a pass. Tell me, though, how do you spell that last name of yours?"
Student: "P-A-R-K."
Principal (slightly embarrassed): "Oh, uh, well, could you spell your first name for me?"
Student: "F-R-E-D."

Name tags, I tell you. Name tags.

Lovell's Lookout said...

I love it!!! Brandon, I am so glad you are still Brandon. The worst is with people in your church that share same sex names- like Jaime or (Jayme) and Kim, Pat & Kris or Jerri (or Jerry) & d Dawn or (Don). So what you do is look right between them and state their names. Hey Pat-- carefully notice who's eyes lighten up... Or my favorite when I forget a name is the Chris Seidman-- "Hey brother!!!" I use this one often. Hope you are feeling better Brandon..I can see you in your bed now- with a big old teddy bear!!!

Anonymous said...

One night I was changing my almost 2 year old's diaper, and surprise-he would have none of it! He was squirming and screaming "Daddy, Daddy! Stop it Mommy!". The next thing I knew, the door bell rang, and it was my neighbor. He was laughing and said "Have you checked your messages? There's one from Julie." (his wife) I am really confused at this point, wondering 1. Why are you laughing? and 2. Why are you coming to my house at 9 pm wanting me to check my messages? I check the messages, and she's saying "Russell, go give that boy some love! He wants his Daddy! What are ya'll doing to him over there? (silence for a few seconds).....DeeAnna, you left your monitor on outside. Love ya, Julie". Click.
Talk about slooooowwwwww motion. Yes, I had planted flowers outside that day while Addison was sleeping, and like any decent mother, took the monitor outside so I could hear him when he awoke. What did I say to my kid? What ELSE had the neighborhood heard? Did I say a "bleep" type of word? I tried to replay the whole evening in my mind. Needless to say, I RARELY ever used that monitor again...........DeeAnna

Anonymous said...

One night I was changing my almost 2 year old's diaper, and surprise-he would have none of it! He was squirming and screaming "Daddy, Daddy! Stop it Mommy!". The next thing I knew, the door bell rang, and it was my neighbor. He was laughing and said "Have you checked your messages? There's one from Julie." (his wife) I am really confused at this point, wondering 1. Why are you laughing? and 2. Why are you coming to my house at 9 pm wanting me to check my messages? I check the messages, and she's saying "Russell, go give that boy some love! He wants his Daddy! What are ya'll doing to him over there? (silence for a few seconds).....DeeAnna, you left your monitor on outside. Love ya, Julie". Click.
Talk about slooooowwwwww motion. Yes, I had planted flowers outside that day while Addison was sleeping, and like any decent mother, took the monitor outside so I could hear him when he awoke. What did I say to my kid? What ELSE had the neighborhood heard? Did I say a "bleep" type of word? I tried to replay the whole evening in my mind. Needless to say, I RARELY ever used that monitor again...........DeeAnna

Anonymous said...

Ok, forgive me ...I'm new at this. Sorry for posting twice. Can you say "one click?". DMC