Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I am still recovering from the weekend. It was a powerful time. They were very receptive and encouraging. We had a wonderful time with everyone at McKnight Rd. We also had a good trip home. Jason got us back in one piece.
My in-laws have been here since Sunday. Sheryl and I have a very rare gift. We both have parents who are easy to be with and who like to live in a "no-stress" zone. When I hear "mother-in-law" stories I always think they are funny, but I can't relate. It's been a great couple of days with Bob and Ernestine. In fact, they have really helped me think through some issues we are going through with some close friends right now. It's so difficult to know how to help people, especially when they don't want help. Then the Lord whispers, "trust me with all your heart and don't count on your own understanding. Give it up to Me and I will show you the easiest, straightest path."
Being with my girls the last two days has been just a delight. I know it's impossible for them to grow so much in 4 days, but it seems they have. Ella has a new giggle. Maddie is just so sweet. I am one blessed dad!
This morning I have staff meeting and then some planning for the next couple of months. I'll be taking the group back on the road in two weeks when we go to Alabama for the National Shepherding Conference. For some weird reason, that title makes me think of my best friend, Stephen, our senior year at ACU. We both got so tired of the SAME question everyone would ask... "So, what are you going to do?" (which ironically, now in adulthood, has become... "So, what do you DO??") Stephen began to answer... "Become a shepherd". And he meant the sheep kind. Something so hilarious about that to me that is totally lost in this translation.
August is filled with other activities. Our anniversary is the 15th and we are planning a silly get away for the two of us to an amusement park in Kentucky. That may sound pitiful to some, but we're actually looking forward to it! I will be traveling to San Antonio to consult with a church there as well as doing the kick off for the fall term at Middle Tennessee State University's Christian Students' Center. It's always a huge highlight.
I pray you all have a great day today. There is peace in Christ. In times when friends are falling away, marriages are breaking up, wars rage on, and America's Spiritual health is down the chute, there is peace. In Christ. St. Patrick's prayer states it best...
Christ be with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ at my right, Christ at my left, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.


Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

I agree - it's a blessing to have great in-laws. Mine are very easy to be around and incredbily generous in how they bless us. One of my favorite times of the year in spending a week in Colorado with them and my family. There are some men who wouldn't dare do that but I look forward to it.

We are blessed men Brandon. Thanks for reminding me.

Anonymous said...


A silly tradition - by no means! My hubby and I have a traditional anniversary dinner of KFC - which replicates our wedding night dinner! After all this time, my boys grumble, but deal with it!

Kelly Vaughn said...

WOW, two Vaughn boy comments in a row...I'm sure you are just beside yourself! I agree with DV and your thoughts about in-laws...Kelly's parents are wonderful, generous, fun, and very wise. I am equally blessed.
Randy V. (all the way from Africa)