Thursday, June 01, 2006

I am posting yesterday's blog again--trying to get rid of the unwanted comment. Don't anyone spell the name because that only attracts them. I hate that stuff!! Plus--no more anonymous comments, guys. Sorry. If you aren't a registered user--it only takes a second and you don't have to have a blog. Just do it. :) Here's yesterday's post--

This is it. My last day. My last night. The leave of absence is almost over. I feel like that dumb guy on TV who tried to stay under water for taking a last breath of air before going under. I know that sounds crazy. But--it's true.

Thank you to the OC leadership for allowing me this time. It was needed and extremely beneficial. Thanks especially to David England who bore much of the weight while I was gone. I'm indebted!

One last thing. Ella this morning... "Daddy, does Jesus go poo-poo?" That's my girl!


SG said...

Sweet Ella Bella! So what did you say?

Enjoy that big breath and remember to come up for air often once you are back n the tank! :)

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

I said--that's a part of being a human and when he was here and walked on the earth--you bet, he went poo-poo!

Generous Kitchen said...

As I said in the last comment before deletion,

I understand. Praying for you.

Val said...

Don't wait so long to breathe next time. You're a musician. Stagger your breathing.

Amy Anderson Westerman said...

You'll never know how much you've been missed! Hopefully, you will return a different person (not that we didn't LOVE the old BST!!!)and you'll have a renewed spirit-- better off because of the time you had away.

Glad you had the opportunity, and I'm sure you've made the most of it!


Drew Battistelli said...

it's 2:21am and her question sent me literally belly over laughing.

thanks for sending me over the edge. i love a good laugh. i think i laugh too much.

hahahaha... did jesus go poo-poo?