Thursday, November 10, 2005

I had an early morning meeting with the Operation Andrew folks. Victor Wynn (from temple Church) and I are leading the Greater Nashville area-wide Thanksgiving worship service at the historic Ryman Auditorium (famous for the Grand Ol' Opry). It's going to be a blessed time.

Victor and I have been friends for years and it happened through Operation Andrew. He is a music pastor at a huge mostly African American community church in North Nashville. Our churches look and operate differently. However, we've joined forces for other things like city-wide worship services held at the arena downtown. He also came and brought his group and joined us for our Christmas concert several years ago. They are simply AMAZING.

We're roughly the same age and have kids around the same age. Our friendship has been a real blessing to me over the years. We've talked church. We've shared frustrations. We've prayed for each other and we've walked this road of ministry together. Unity in the Body of Christ is a beautiful thing. There are way more commonalities than differences.

We're going to team up again, and this time on stage at the Ryman...which was originally a place of worship back in the early 1900's before it became the home of the Grand Ol' Opry. We'll get to fellowship and love on each other and lead God's people in worship with varying styles--but with one heart.

If you can make it--come join us Sunday night, November 20th at 6:30. The terrifying thing is that we are in Amanda and Geof's wedding in TX and don't arrive until 5:30 that night. Yeah--terrifying. However, God will work it all out. If something happens and we're delayed, Victor can handle it.

The Lorenzes arrive in about an hour. I am so excited to see them and Maddie and Ella keep asking for "Nanny and Abba-ba". Ella is especially fond of Ronnie (Abba-ba). I'm taking the day off tomorrow so that we can take them around Nashville. We're going to spend some time out at the Gaylord Opryland hotel and other places. No matter what, it will be nice just being together.

Darla was my father's secretary for years. Ronnie and Darla and Mom and Dad were the best of friends. When I was in high school and my father had his first cancer surgery Ronnie took the day off and drove me around to talk and keep me occupied. He's always been a second father to me. In fact, I still call him "Dad" and he calls me "Son". There's no way to describe the impact they've had on us. After losing my dad, they stepped in and continued to be family to us. They are very dear. Thanks to Brooke and Robyn for sending them. We can't wait!!

Have a great Thursday!


cwinwc said...

My eyes moistened as I read your description of Ronny and Darla, especially the part about Ronnie becoming a second father to you when your Dad passed away. There is a special place in Heaven for folks like Ronnie in my book. I lost my Dad in 1988 and no one stepped up to fill that role for me like Ronnie did for you. God’s blessing on the men and women who are the Ronnie’s and the Darla’s of this world.
astheqb (early form of asprin)

Stephen Bailey said...

Howdy to Ronnie and Darla! You guys have fun! I know you will.