Sunday, October 31, 2004

The leadership dinner was nice last night. The real festivities after dinner didn't begin until around 8pm which meant that one of us had to go get the girls and take them home and to bed. (Our girls are usually IN bed by 8) Since Sheryl has not gotten to be a part of many of the discussions, I thought it might be nice for her to stay--so I went to get the girls. I am really glad she had a chance to stay. It allowed her to feel more connected. Who knows, maybe I'll get in trouble for leaving early--oh well. People who schedule things late like that either don't have kids, or have endless resources for home babysitting--I'm convinced of it.

This morning we are going to see a 15 minute DVD full of testimonials and stories of OC and what the Lord has done in our presence. This is all leading to next week's big comittment Sunday.

Here's the order of worship for this morning:

Welcome—Tim Woodroof
Family prayer— Brennan McGehee/ Mike Blankinship
Meet and greet

Praise and Worship—BST
--A New Anointing
--Lord Reign In Me
--Blessed Jesus

Readings by praise team
Ephesians 1:17-20 (TJ McCloud)
2 Cor 17-18 (Jeff Krinks)
Gal 3:26-29 (Eve Clevenger)
1 Cor 12:12-13 (Steve Speake)
Eph 3:10-12 (ALL)

--Here In This Place
--Above All

Supper—Phillip Allen
--Surround Us, O Lord

Offering--Phillip Allen
--Thank You

Special Video
Reach Campaign News—Jim Butler
Shepherd's Close
--Days of Elijah (chorus only)

Tonight we have "Trunk or Treat" in our parking lot with Church of the Redeemer. It should be a lot of fun.

I pray your Sunday is filled with conviction about real Kingdom issues. I pray that we'll all be awake enough Spiritually to not miss what the Lord wants to say to us. And I pray that would be especially true for the messages outside our church building walls...where God sometimes speaks more clearly and plainly.

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