Monday, October 18, 2004

Here's that picture I wrote about yesterday. I haven't had a place to publish our orders of worship each week, and haven't really felt a need to. But, I think I might start doing that. I am certainly not doing this in a spirit that says...hey look what we're doing. I've just had a couple of people ask if there was a place where it was published each week and thought I'd just do it here.

Welcome--Tim Woodroof
Family Prayer--Phil Gibbs/ Phillip Duncan

Worship Leader--BST
--Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
--Come Thou Almighty King
--We Will Worship You

--Guided Meditation

--The Lord is in His Holy Temple
--Be Still and Know
--We Fall Down

Supper/Offering--Bill Lokey
--Be Still and Know

Reach Campaign News--George Buck
Ministry Moment (top 10 reasons not to miss fall festival game show)--David Rubio
Shepherd's Charge--Ed Rucker
--We Will Worship You (chorus)

Yesterday, as I mentioned, was so powerful. It was an example of how the Holy Spirit is truly the main worship leader and worship planner. Tim's guided meditation time really ministered to me. At one point he invited us to step outside our broken, human selves and into the perfect holiness of the Lord to hear what He has to say. I realized that I have not been able to get past my brokenness to hear God in recent weeks.

Then, Bill Lokey completely spoke to me during the supper. He talked about Jesus in the boat with the storm all around and then went on to refer to the time when Jesus appeared and asked Peter to step out. He talked about times when we feel as if we're drowning--HELLO??? Powerful stuff. I was a mess. It was such a day of ministry to my heart--by some of the things people said, but more so by the power of the Holy Spirit in our midst. I am so grateful to God for what He gave me yesterday. It was a warm hand, a tight embrace saying to my heart, "I hear you. I am with you. Don't be afraid. I have all things in my hand. Trust me." I needed to hear that yesterday.

We leave for Abilene in the morning. I will probably blog while I am out there as I can, but if I am silent, just know we're having a great time.

One last little funny--last night Maddie and I were laying in her bed talking. Sometimes she'll say, "I wanna talk." She was propped up on her elbow and just rattling on. I told her I was so glad she was my daughter and she said "Dr. 'Leader' (Leeper) is my daughter." I laughed and said, "No, Maddie, Dr. Leeper is a doctor not a daughter." She got this funny teenager look on her face and said, "I know, I know, they're all the same words and colors to me!" and sighed and laid down. I was cracking up. We both just laid there laughing and laughing. I love those kinds of moments!


Clarissa said...

Don't know if you knew that at several folks post orders of worship. Just to give each other ideas. It's usually done in the "worship leading" section -- you'll see a thread with this week's date and several worship orders. (Not trying to tell you to post yours there, but just that it's available. Might give you some ideas, too!)

Phil said...

Brandon doesn't need ideas. He's super Worship Leader!!!

Beaner said...

Powerful picture. Maybe my husband should go into carpentry? (Yes I AM commenting on Jesus' body! If you think women have it tough comparing themselves to models, just think of how tough it is for guys to measure up to - our LORD!!!)

Anyway, thanks for sharing your intimate times w/your kids - they are the true moments that define your character - probably more so than your Leadership roles. Your kids are priceless! Have a great time w/your mom!

Unknown said...

I just got the ZOE Ancient Future C.D. it's wonderful. Thanks to ZOE as a whole for the hard work put in each album. BST, be safe in Texas. Take care everyone.

CL said...

Your blog is so encouraging! Thanks a lot! If you posted your worship order each week it would be even more encouraging, especially for those of us who lead and yet are leader challenged! Thanks Brother!!! God bless!