Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Without Wax

I've added a new link over there to my friend Pete Wilson's blog. (A different Peter Wilson than the ZOE Petey boy). Pete is doing an amazing work here in Nashville and I am thankful he's here. His recent post about Patriotism in church is something I really resonated with. I've written similar posts here...not extremely popular posts. I encourage you to read his writing. Also, if you tweet, check him out on Twitter. His Twitter handle is "pwilson".

To get to his blog in the future, click the link over to the right. But, for today, I'll make it super easy! :) Click here http://www.withoutwax.tv/

1 comment:

Terry said...

BST...just read the post and your comments on P. Wilson's blog. Couldn't agree more.

I sometimes have trouble articulating well how I feel about patriotism/nationalism in the worship service, but what you said really hit the nail on the head. It's just uncomfortable [and in many ways wrong].

Luckily, I plan the worship, so there was no Star Spangled Banner, or any of that. But still...the parts I have no control over were quite patriotic/nationalistic. Sigh.

Also, I am in the minority BIG TIME when I talk about this stuff. So I usually don't.

All that to say: thanks for what you've shared. I agree.