Saturday, November 25, 2006

It's been a great couple of days...enjoying family, feeling better and less sinus-y, and spending time with good friends.

Thursday morning I was at the Otter Creek Thanksgiving service and got to sit with Cory and Elizabeth Davis and their family. Scarlet had this awesome Indian headdress on. It had a pink sequin band and pink and white feathers. She was definitely festive. Half way through Phil Wilson's Thanksgiving speech (which was wonderful, by the way--great job, Phil!!) Scarlet leaned over and said loudly, "WHEN DO WE GET TO TALK ABOUT THE INDIANS???" Maybe my favorite moment of the day.

Today Paul and Jill Young came over and we had a wonderful visit with them. We still miss them every day and pray God will bring them back to Nashville soon.

Tomorrow we are studying Romans 5. I'm looking forward to it--such a great text! I'll be taking the cup from that inner circle on the tray and fellowshipping with my brothers who are near to my heart but far away in miles. God is good.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Thanks, B. I always wonder about what I talk about, since my heart recently really has been going to how our thankfulness should be evidenced by our concern and help for the poor and those on the fringes on society. And I've also felt like I've said the same basic things the last two years, so it's been very gratifying to hear everyone's kind words, not just about my part, but the whole service.