Sunday, March 13, 2005

We've had a great weekend. I am exhausted. Friday night was another great night in the studio. Meanwhile, Ella was perfectly fine to be at home with Amanda and Geoff. Especially Geoff!

Yesterday we spent most of the day working in the studio too. It was a very long day. We had to hammer out some rhythms and get on the same page musically before we could continue. It can be really frustrating at times, but it's such a cool thing to be in a group with such musically gifted people. I laugh when I step back and look at all of us--there are some VERY opinionated people in ZOE. I count myself as one of them. The benefit is in hammering it out and getting, in the end, a better result. We are one wacky group. We can laugh and be rolling on the floor and the next minute be going to the mat for something we feel strongly about musically. All in all, it was a wonderful weekend. We ended up with 6 songs done and still have several more weekends as we continue in April.

Here are the ones we've done so far:
Hope of the Nations
In Christ Alone
How Great is Our God
Magnificat (Randy Gill original)
Sing to the King
Beautiful One

We had to change the lyric a bit on Sing to the King because of some theology in it that was questionable. We weren't necessarily bothered by it, but we knew some would be. I have several people who ask me regularly why we sing the bridge in Days of Elijah that says "There's no God like Jehovah". I wish some of the people who get so bent out of shape about things like that would put as much time, energy, and passion into singing other lyrics. I love that bridge. It reminds me that the other things in my life that I count on are only idols. There is only one true GOD. The I AM!

After we finished last night, we went home and scooped up the girls, my mom and Aunt Kiki and met most of the other ZOE folks at Baja Burrito (sorry, Corey). I LOVE BAJA. Baja, Baja, Baja!!!! It was a really fun way to end the day. Maddie got to sit across from Peter and was a very happy girl.

Last night as we tucked them in bed, Ella hugged me really tightly and said, "I uv ooh Daddy. Isssss muts" (translated that means, "I love you, daddy--THIS MUCH!") As she said it she opened her arms as wide as she could. It just made my entire weekend. Thank you. Lord for my family!

This morning we're John 2 where Jesus turns the water to wine. I suggested we have a wine tasting to kick things off. No one really caught the vision for it. As Tim talked to me about this week's lesson, I couldn't help but think back to those discussions on the ZOE conference planning. Jesus turning water into wine doesn't seem like a huge deal spiritually speaking. I mean, gallons and gallons of GOD MADE wine is a pretty cool thing, but you know what I mean. Jesus broke through the veil of our darkness in just about every way possible. He gave us glimpses of Life. He reminded us that He is really in control after all. Even something as small as a wedding party running out of wine…he touched and brought joy and celebration. He did this knowing that faith would deepen. They saw. They believed. Incarnation. Love enwrapped in flesh and bone. I can’t get my mind around that. Incredible!

Here's our order of worship for today:

Welcome--Tim Woodroof
Family Prayer- Jon Cornelius/ David Harr
Meet and greet

Praise and Worship--BST
--Firm Foundation
--My Hope is Built
--You Are Holy
BST shares
--He Is Able
--I Worship You, Almighty God
--There Is None Like You

Teaching--Tim Woodroof
--Shine Jesus Shine
--Fairest Lord Jesus

Supper--Russ Carney
--I Believe In Jesus

Ministry Moment--Phil Wilson (Technology Ministry)
Shepherd's Close--Steve Giddens
--You Are Worthy of My Praise

Have a great day, blog family!


Keith Brenton said...

I guess the folks who would delete the bridge in "Days of Elijah" would also re-write the first of the Ten Commandments ....

Beaner said...

Is it the name Jehova that offends? What about Yaweh or Abba? Aren't these all just different names for the same God?

On another note....I have experienced Communion in both wine & juice form. The wine is more powerful, because it is bitter. When Jesus' blood was shed I'm sure it wasn't sweet, which is what the juice is like. Just my own personal opinions - I know WHY we do the juice, but I wish we could have options. I'm ALL for a wine tasting!!!

SG said...

Kolby and Rhett sing it "there's no God like I know ya', there's no God like I know ya'" I would correct them, but it works. Funny how people hear what they want.

Thurman8er said...

That's funny. The only part of "Days of Elijah" I ever had a problem with was the line that goes, "...and these are the days of your servant, David, rebuilding a temple of praise." I just don't get it. Didn't God tell David he wasn't the one to build the temple? And so Solomon did it. But, of course, he didn't REbuild it. I've always wondered where that line came from. I'm nitpicking...but curious.


Keith Brenton said...

Dunno, Steve; maybe the lyric writer had in mind the transition between tabernacle and temple ... but you're right. David headed up the fundraising program, but Solomon was the architect.

Katherine said...

That has always bothered my roommate, too-and we have discoverd that it was actually Zerubabbel...can you just imagine singing that:

"And these are the days of your servant, Zerubabbel"...

Ha ha-now that would be a mouthful...I think I may start singing that. Do you think I would start a trend? ;)

Katherine said...

By the way-I love that bridge, too and there is something about repitition...can't wait to hear "How Great Is Our God"!!! That is definitely one of my favs and such a blessing!!

What a precious moment that was with Ella-praying you have many more!! God bless you this week~

SG said...

I read an article last summer interviewing "Days of Elijah" author (Robin Mark? I think) where he explained that very verse. E-mail me if you want the link because I'll have to search a little.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read that article and take a look at the link. If you could track that down that would be great. I've had a friend of mine that I went to college with at Lipscomb share his views on that song and I would love to share this article with him
Thanks Zac

Thurman8er said...

I'd like to read that article too. And I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only person that has wondered about that lyric.

Katherine, I LOVE the idea of inserting Zerubabbel in there instead...rolls right off the tongue. I think I'll do it next time we sing that song and see how many looks I get. (Of course, Brandon, my sister will give me most of those looks so I'm sure I'll only do it once.)

Beaner said...

I always thought David's "rebuilding a temple of praise" meant that he wrote the Psalms - not a physical temple. At least that's what I think of!!!

Karen said...

I can't wait to hear In Christ Alone... I recently downloaded it to ITunes and listen to it at least once a day; I'm going through some trying times right now and this song has become a big encouragement to me.

Karen said...

Forgot to say... I've never heard Days of Elijah done with that bridge. We don't use a bridge at all when we sing it, but one of our worship leaders has heard it done with a bridge that says, "Who was, and is, and is to come." He'd love to find the music to that in order to teach it. Any of you familiar with it??

Katherine said...

Alright, you and me, Thurman-we are starting the trend!! ;)

I also found Robin Mark's site and his explanation on writing "Days of Elijah" which also includes his reasoning behind David rebuliding the temple...good stuff!!

Go check it out:

Behold He comes...

Anonymous said...

Hey Karen I have a copy of an arrangement done by Keith Lancaster who is a good friend of mine and I could get you a copy of the sheet music. If you would like a copy of it just let me know. It has both the Who was part as well as the No God like Jehovah in it as well.