Thursday, March 03, 2005

I spent all morning dealing with some ZOE stuff. We're trying to get ready for recording next week. Of course, I did not budget that time into my day so the afternoon has been spent scrambling.

I decided to do sort of an emergent type service in Birmingham tomorrow night. Why I didn't decide that last week is beyond me. So--I've been trying to box candles, get station stuff printed, etc. I'll have to go buy clay tomorrow. It would be easier to skip the whole station/emergent thing. But it's just such a great thing for focus and retreat. Some of my favorite moments have been spent in stations like that--at the ZOE conferences in Nashville and in Fresno. Hopefully it will be a blessing to that team there. Please pray for me as I travel tomorrow. I want to encourage them and allow the Spirit to breathe through me. We all need retreat time. I am really excited to be with them. I love Greg Miles, Kelly Sutton and Johnny Brown. It will be fun to see them! Thanks for your prayers.

Many, many prayers still being lifted for Jonathan and Thomas. Please keep checking their blog for updates. I always love reading the comments. It's really the church being the church. Sometimes I think those times are so much more telling than our gatherings on Sundays. We put so much stock in those times--and we should. But, it's times like this when our family is hurting when we prove what we sing and pray.

I would also really appreciate some prayers for Sheryl. Her back is really bothering her. I feel really helpless to know what to do. She's receiving some physical therapy on Monday. I am praying that it will be helpful. Please pray for relief for her and for a good night's sleep. Thanks!

Have a great weekend, everyone. Thanks for being an important part of community for me.


Katherine said...

Hey Brandon! Prayers continue to go up for Jonathan and Thomas, and I will also be in prayer that God moves this weekend in mighty ways-and that His Spirit is moving through you and all of those who are involved. I will also be praying for Sheryl-back trouble is NO fun at all-I have been there and done that, so I pray that God will place His healing hand on her back tonight and that He will grant her comfort so she can rest peacefully!

I commented on this subject on my blog today-but it is SO amazing how the body of Christ steps in during our time of need and carries us when we can't do it ourselves. I honestly don't know how anyone makes it in this world without this blessing!! I know I wouldn't, and I thank God every day for people He has placed in my life-each with their own special time and place-including you! You have such a precious heart that transcends states, and blogs, and reaches out to SO many-thank you for being the love of God...

Have fun and be safe this weekend and may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit...can't wait to hear how He worked!!:-)

Clarissa said...

Praying for sweet Sheryl now. Hate that she's hurting. Hoping relief comes soon -- but if not, hoping that Sam's birth will ultimately relieve her back pain.