Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This morning on the way to school Maddie said...

"I wish I could decorate the whole world!"

When I asked her what she meant she said,

"You know, put lots of ribbons in the trees and lights like at Christmas time. I could put big bows on all the cars that drive and everything could be decorated."

What a cool thought. Maybe one day she will. One thing is for sure, she decorates my life every single day.


Kelley said...

How precious!
An artist at heart.....
A kindred spirit.....
Encourage her and this line of thinking! Sadly, many parents stifle this type thinking as "useless". When actually it's the most precious because we serve the ultimate "creative" being.

She'll be that artistic spirit that one days sees beauty in simple things of this earth.

k2 said...

that is sweet!

Clarissa said...

"All my life was a paper ... once plain pure and white ... 'til you moved with your pen, changing moods now and then, 'til the balance was right ... then you added some music ... every note was in place ... and anybody could see all the changes in me by the look on my face ... you decorated my life. And yooouuuuuuuuu decorated my liiiiiife ...."
(Sorry, reminded me of Kenny.)

Beaner said...

LOL Clarissa! Now I'll dream of Kenny (& probably Kramer too....."Keeennnnyyyy!!!")

John Owens said...

Crap. I'm supposed to be a hard-hearted bachelor who doesn't care about stuff like this. I read this and thought and made "the" face and said OUT LOUD..."Awww." Darn you for making me sensitive. :)

Stacey said...

That is so sweet, BST. It's quotes like those that remind me why I want to be a dad someday soon...