Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Life seems to pass so quickly. How is that possible? I honestly can't believe it's the middle of February.

Literally hundreds of people have told us over time to soak in every day with our kids because, "You turn around and they're gone". I think it has made an impression on us. We genuinely try to take every day as a blessing with them. We are having the best time with them and love being parents.

But isn't it funny how much of a roller coaster it can be? One minute they say something so amazingly profound and hug and kiss you in a way that makes your heart melt. The next minute Sam's eating a booger and saying, "YUMMMY!", or dropping the mother load poop in the playroom and then, in an effort to report it to us, scoots down the stairs on his bottom...OR the girls get in a screaming match and you find YOURSELF screaming, "STOP SCREEEEEEEEEAMING!!!" Have you been there?

Tonight I had a moment. I was laying on Maddie's bed and she was snuggling with me giving me the sweetest hugs. It was one of those heavenly moments when you feel like angels are surrounding you covering you with their wings. Absolutely precious. I leaned over and talked sweetly while looking into her eyes saying, "Maddie, I am so proud to be your daddy. God gave you to me and it was one of my all time favorite gifts."

Maddie looked at me for a moment and said, "Daddy, you really need to brush your teeth. Your breath smells terrible."

Ahhhhh...the joys, the humility, and the hiliarity of parenthood. What a ride!


Anonymous said...

Man, I think that is great. I asked my son tonight if he would please stop growing up. Please, please, please, don't let (as I have) this job consume you with the travel and weekends away. It will be fun for a while, but it will wear on you and on your family. I've done it now for 8 years and am trapped in it here in corporate america and wish like crazy I could get out. I have to be honest with you, I though you were nuts to leave OC...a job where you were home most nights. I know it is not that easy, TRUST ME, but that was my first thought.

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Dear Anon--

I know. I have thought the same thing. My time with them is too important. No job is as important as that.

Having said that, even with the craziness of this transition and trying to learn a new job that is incredibly demanding, it is STILL not as difficult as church work. My family and I are very grateful to be where we are and, to be honest, relieved.

Perception, as an elder told me once, is realtiy. People look in at those jobs and think...boy, they have it made. What a cush job! Even more people ask, "What do you do anyway...just pick a few songs here and there?" There is no way to explain what ministers go through and how difficult their lives can be. The church universal is notoriously hard on ministers. Ask just about anyone who's ever done it. They know what I'm talking about.

For a while, I felt God calling me to a new endeavor. I talked a lot about being missional, about being salt and light. However, the more I looked around, the more I realized I really didn't have ANY non-believers in my sphere. Our work life, social life, and church life were all the same people...people I LOVE, but you know what I mean. And, my patience for corporate church was waning. I was not happy. My family was not happy.

My hat is off to all those out there who minister and struggle under the weight of that calling. May God continue to give you the grace and energy to run. But let us not for a minute revert in our thinking to a paradigm where paid church staff are the only ministers. Afterall, aren't we all supposed to be ministers?

My office is no longer in a church building. My top desk drawer is not filled with recent orders of worship. I'm not rehearsing praise teams currently. BUT, I am still ministering. I am trying to love as I've been loved and encourage as I've been encouraged. I'm trying to live out a calling in a faithful way.

People respond to love and grace. Look at those Jesus spent his time with. What did the religious leaders of his day say about him? They scolded him for the company he kept. I'd say that those who Jesus touched understood more about God's mercy than those religious leaders ever did. It's sad isn't it? To me, it's one of the saddest things in the world. But I know God loves all of us... and I know that sometimes a little perspective does a body good. That's what I am experiencing these days.

In my life, I've been many one point, self-righteous, haughty, and quick to judge. Later, broken, aware of my sin, alone, tired, and discouraged. Having experienced those things makes me more aware of those who feel that way and less willing to sit in judgement on anyone.

I am rambling. I know that's not where you are or what you're saying, but it got me on a tangent. :) I am grateful for my time at OC and take with me great memories. I have wonderful friends there and love them dearly. Let's just all continue to pray for those who work so hard to minister to churches. I am convinced it's one of the most difficult, under-appreciated, most time consuming jobs in existence.

Anonymous said...

Buddy--you didn't have ANY non-believers in your sphere? Buddy.

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

ooops...sorry, Buddy. Maybe one or two, counting you, Buddy. Buddy. Need lunch soon, buddy. Baja Burrito, buddy.

Anonymous said...

m-m-m-m...burrito. go to bed buddy.

Phil said...

Peace to you, brother.

Anonymous said...

I hear you about a ministers life. We had a "real job" first for 10 years and came into paid ministry second, 4 years ago. I can't say we are home most nights or that it doesn't consume us. Quite the opposite. And I don't buy the fact that anyone is ever really trapped in a job! Not in this country.

I am glad to say that where we are, we have quite a few unbelieving friends (it helps when your kids get into school and sports-type activities). Amen to everyone being a minister. You can only live and serve in the sphere that God has set you in and no one else is in that unique circle, so it's up to each of us.

And I have heard that if you stop feeding your kids, they stop growing! Might be worth a shot?

- The "paid songleader"

Anonymous said...


I obviously do not think you made a mistake, or that ministry is easy. I simply made my statement from MY experience with a job that has taken me away for the past 8 years. Please don't take offense, just giving you my opinion and hoping your new job is everything you think it will be...

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

no offense taken. Just noticed that your perception was a bit off.

Anonymous said...

Dear Brandon, your stories make me laugh! And yes, we have lots of those moments, too! I'm supposed to have twin babies (Jay and Rob, not this time!!) and be young and chipper. I'm young and chipper INside! But now the twins are almost 16. No way! I'M still just a bit over 16...right?

When they get old enough to clean up the kitchen, AND give you a pedicure when you're pregnant, then it becomes okay that they are growing up.

Amy Grant tells your bad breath story almost word for word on the "A Moment in Time" live album. It was with her son, Matthew. Hilarious.

We still miss you.

And we have 5 Beauty and the Beast tickets for you, either night you could come--March 28 or 29.


Anonymous said...

missing ya at Sing Song.

The D'Spain Crew said...

BST - Just snuck a peek at your blog and it reminded me how much I MISS YOU!!! I don't know when we will see each other and that makes me really sad. Love to talk to you. Paula

Amy S. Grant said...

Brandon, I loved your original post - hilarious!

But, I'm responding to your comment up there that you should probably pull out to be its own post.

What you say really resonates with me. John has always been a paid church staff minister, and his calling (our calling) seems very clear for now. We serve what may very well be one of the last remaining strong Churches of Christ there are. (I could explain what I mean by that, but I think you already know.)

All these years we have been in ministry, though, I have felt my true calling outside those walls. Currently I minister through our public schools, but I have also seen my ministry in neighborhood friendships and things like that.

Last year I taught through the Sermon on the Mount, and during that time I read so much. And was so challenged by the likes of Dallas Willard and Shane Claiborne.

I was so convicted by that study to get out there, like you are doing, and quit just talking about it. I almost quit teaching because I felt like I was studying and presenting a life that I wasn't living.

Blessings to your missional self. It's good to read that you are doing well.

Sorry for the book here, you struck a chord with me!