Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I've been reading C.S. Lewis while we've been here. Mere Christianity is such a great book. I read it in college, but that's been a while. It's especially fitting as I've been listening to friends lately talk about Dualism and their enlightened views on the world. Lewis makes some really great points. Have you read it lately?

I am officially sick with head cold deluxe. Can someone please send relief?? Hot totty anyone?


Anonymous said...

what is dualism?

Katherine said...

I think I am going to get Mere Christianity on CD to listen to on my LONG drive to Nashville...I am re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia right now-good stuff! I think I was 8 the last time I read it.

I hope you feel better soon!

Brad Crisler said...

Read "Desire of the Everlasting Hills"....cold gone in minutes...

Of course an overwhelming feeling of guilt and the sudden realization that the Christian life you've been living has been a watered down, western fabrication all along will soon insue...but hey, if it's a bad cold...


Phil said...

I concur with Brad about Desire of the Everlasting Hills, not about it taking away colds, but that it's a great book for reading after MC.

Kelley said...

Try those new cold tablets you drop in the hot shower with you and then breathe in the fumes. Hear it's good. But make sure there is plenty of hot water.

Anonymous said...

Dualism in the context of theology (I assume that's the context BST is using) is the belief that are 2 distinct principles--good and evil (God and Satan)--and that they are essentially equal in the world and working independently of each other.

Anonymous said...

So C.S. Lewis doen't believe in dualism or he does?

Anonymous said...

call me......got all kinds of cold remedies......

Mere Christianity is the very first book I read after I was baptized my freshman year at A&M by Bob Davidson. What a great memory. Love C.S. Lewis.

Hope you are drowning in the fun with those 3 precious babies of yours. What I wouldn't give to have one moment of that time with my 3 babies.

Well, that's enough of that.

Merry Christmas to the BST fam!


Brandon Scott Thomas said...

C.S. Lewis thinks that Dualism is bunk. I agree with him.

Beaner said...

So my husband pointed out that one of BST's Christmas pictures had Sheryl in the background opening a suspicious-looking box. Any comments???

Heather said...

Kudos to you for reading Mere Christianity. I've tried 2 or 3 times and just cannot get through it! Maybe you can break it down for me! :o) Hope you're feeling better! We all have the "Christmas Crud" too!

Anonymous said...

Why do you and Lewis think it's bunk? It sounds like a classic orthodox Christian belief. Good vs. Evil, God is the force of good in the world, satan is the force of evil. Aren't we supposed to be on the watch for satan's attacks on our faith? Isn't it God through Jesus who strengthens us to defend these attacks?

There must be something else in dualism that I'm missing.

Stephen Bailey said...

I've decided to have a hot totty for each of my friends who is under the weather...hope you feel better, I know I do.

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

it's not that simple--basically where dualism differs from what I believe is that dualism says that the two are unrelated--completely unrelated. It says that there are 2 separate but equal forces. One good one bad. I believe that the two are not separate. I believe that in the end, God is over all. The best way to describe this is as Lewis did---Satan has set himself up as the prince of this earthly kingdom. Yet, we are all a part of the rebellion--and God himself came in disguise as man to lead the rebellion. But in the end--it is all God's and He will have His say. That's the very short version. Dualism, in my understanding, takes the state of our world and explains it in ways that do not show God to be the clear ruler over all. Sorry--that may sound confusing.

Anonymous said...

That helps. I understand now. I don't agree, but at least I know what you mean by dualism.