Monday, October 31, 2005

Ella's prayer tonight:

"Dear Gahh... tank you for Jesus Chriiis. Tank you for Jesus. Tank you that he wants to live in our tummies. Tank you that he lives in Mommy's tummy. Tank you that he lives in Daddy's tummy, sissy's tummy and Baby Sam's tummy. (Sheryl whispers,"In our hearts...") Tank you for our hearts. Tank you for my friends' hearts. Tank you for Jamie's heart. Tank you for Adell...Mommy, Adell was Jo-Jo for Halloween!! Tank you for Miss Betsy and Ms Teresa. And that's all."

Oh of my favorites so far!! This is when we wish we had the digital recorder in there with us. What made it even better was Ella's infamous little raspy voice.

Lots of neighborhood Batmen, princesses, unicorns and Buzz Lightyears. More about tonight and last night at trunk-or-treat tomorrow.


Stephen Bailey said...

Gotta love those prayers. Sunday night at our cook out and trunk or treat a man thanked God in his prayer for adopting us into His family. We had just seen Annie a few nights earlier so Rainey raised up her head in the middle of the prayer and said, "Adopted! Just like Annie!" Spiritual lessons everywhere.

Jacinda said...

Prayers from children are precious.
I love it when our 19 month old says, "Amen."

Chris said...

Ah yes. The prayers of the toddler set...

"Dear God, thank you for dis day and thank you for my famwy and thank you for dis food. [opening one eye to check out the repast] 'Cept the beans. I don't like the beans. I'm not gonna eat-"
"Okay, just say Amen, son"

Gotta love it!