Monday, October 03, 2005

Apparently, I was premature in writing that everything was better. We're still dealing with illness at our house. How long, O LORD??!!

Last night I had a very spiritual experience. I was flipping channels and found The Hiding Place. It's a movie based on the book by Corrie Ten Boom about her experience in a Nazi work camp. She and her sister, Betsy, were sent to the same camp. They were "political prisoners" not Jews. They were captured because their family was using their house as "hiding place" for Jews during the war. If you've never read the book or seen the movie--go now and rent it or buy the book.

In high school I watched this movie and I give credit to Corrie Ten Boom and the book of Romans for melting my heart even more fully to Jesus. I cannot describe how this movie has impacted me over the years. The real sharing of Jesus in those circumstances NEVER misses the mark in nailing me to the wall. I have seen this movie probably 15 times or more and I've never made it through the movie without being a puddle at the end. It forces me to my knees. Literally. I praise God for melting my heart again last night.

Interestingly, I surfed for a minute before landing on the Corrie Ten Boom story. (I wasn't sure I really wanted to go there last night.) Within 3 channels were three incredibly different stories of people claiming to be passionate about Jesus. One was the Ten Boom story, as I've mentioned. Another was a taping of a live Rich Mullins concert. (I actually did tour promotions for him when I did my internship at Reunion Records. That's another blog for another day. INCREDIBLE MAN OF GOD!) And the other was Joel Osteen at the Lakewood Church. The contrast was interesting. Here are three very different people all talking about Jesus. Rich and the Ten Boom family seem to be more similar. I just had to wonder about Osteen. I am not here to call anyone out. I have enough stuff in my own life and planks in my own eyes. I just wondered if any of the things Corrie and Betsy Ten Boom and the Apostle Paul have said that have moved me to follow Jesus over the years would be heard from Osteen.

While dying in a concentration camp, Betsy Ten Boom said, "Suffering does NOT mean that God doesn't love us!" And my favorite, "There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still." It reminds me of Romans 8. "What can separate us from the love of Christ?" POWERFUL STUFF!!! It really makes me want to fall on my face and cry out in worship.

Neither Corrie or Betsy Ten Boom, or the apostle Paul (or Jesus for that matter) ever said that the love of Christ would lift us from all hardship. In fact, we're pretty much guaranteed hardship. The way of Christ is not an easy way. Jesus promised us we'd have trouble but to be of good cheer for He had overcome the world. There they were, Corrie and Betsy, in a concentration camp with death all around and disease threatening their lives, and they spoke boldly of the great joy we have in Christ Jesus. Now, THAT is being missional. THAT is Kingdom. The Kingdom of Jesus is not made up of worldly wealth or even "having our best life now". It is the way of the cross. It is the way of self sacrifice--and yet at the same time a way of great joy.

It seems there are two extremes we generally see--either the health wealth gospel or those who claim to be so super spiritual that there is absolutely no room for joy. The real difference is made when those who pick up their cross do it in a way that shows they know a deeper sense of joy and peace. What a blessing this reminder has been to me in helping me get out of my tiny world of issues. He is SO good!

Thanks for your prayers about this week. We are counting on them. Although exhausted, I feel energized in ways that aren't explainable. I am filled with great anticipation about what this week holds. I love that God is so unmanageable and unpredictable. I can't wait to see what He will do this week.


Beaner said...

I have read the book & one of the more memorable & inspirational parts is the one where Corrie & Betsy are living with fleas, but Betsy talks about how the annoyance of the fleas allows them to preach about God because the German guards didn't want to get fleas. A good lesson on seeing the good through the bad. Pwerful, powerful book! I rate it a 5 out of 5 Kleenex (instead of stars).

Brian said...

Wow BST....…
You really ministered to me with this post about the Ten Boom story.
I have not read, seen or even heard about this story before, but the two lines you quoted could NOT have been timelier for me.
Thanks, I needed that!

Brian Fulkerson

Dwiggy444 said...

Still praying for you Brother. Just as you marvel at Corrie and Betsy, I continue to be amazed at your passion for ministry even as you suffer with illness in your family and the stress of the coming conference.

Can't wait to see you in Nashville...3 more days!!!

CL said...

Thanks for sharing this BST.
I have really struggled with the "health and wealth" gospel. I wonder if it isn't actually doing more to hurt our churches than helping them. It seems to breed apathy, and that seems to keep people from living missional lives. I mean, why be missional if it's all about me?
Looking forward to the conference brother!

jaime s said...

Hey bro, we'll be praying for you. I am so pumped about this weekend, but I am home today with fever & all over aches. Being sick really stinks.
Looking forward to worshipping our awesome God with you soon,

Beaner said...

If I get sick from being at Zoe, I will never come back!!! Do you hear? Everybody better just keep all those germs to themselves! (J/K, of course, but seriously, get well soon all you sickies!!!)

summer said...

i pray you stay well and your family is much better as we move forward to the weekend for your's and sheryl's sake. it is so hard to be focused on the task at hand when your children are sick. i have enjoyed reading your blog, and hope to meet you at the conference. we leave in the morning for nashville. please know that we are praying for you as you prepare for a weekend of refueling hearts. thanks for all you do.