This post may be a little long, but I wanted to provide what we did Friday night in our stations as a resource. These pictures do not capture the real mood of each room--aesthetics is so important in setting the mood. Use low lighting, candles, scents, sounds, etc to help create sacred space. There was a CD player in each of the rooms--except the silence room. I'm going to include the text that Scott wrote as a guide for the evening as well as some description from me on the way we set each room up. I'll add pictures next to the station descriptions. Many thanks to Scott, Eve, and Sallie for helping set up and for the creativity they added to this!
Inward Journey (second floor)
God is constantly calling you, in the words of CS Lewis, "to journey further in and higher up." This journey towards God, however, is not always easy. There are obstacles in the way, both external and internal, that can trip you up and darken the path. As you go to these stations, may the Spirit convict and comfort you.
Noise Room 214 (read below first! And then stay in this room for at least 2 minutes) Countless are the noisy sounds we hear each day: TV, radio, and mindless chatter to name a few. And then there's The Accuser: that noisy, lying voice that says you are not good enough, smart enough, spiritual enough. Though some of these noises may not seem all that bad, it is difficult to listen to the voice of God and the noise of this world at the same time. As you enter this room may you be reminded of all the things in your life that make it difficult to hear the still, small voice of the Lord. (CD--Plank Eye playing loudly, TV--Muppet Show Video playing loudly, blue strobe light, chairs and pens scattered.)
Hurts Room 215Forgiving others (including ourselves) is an important but difficult task in the Christian journey. In fact, failure to forgive is one of the major obstacles to the abundant life that God has designed for you in Christ. In this room, you will find paper and pens on the benches on which to journal.
Begin this exercise by dividing your life into 10-year segments (i.e, birth to 10, 10 to 20, etc.). Begin with the current phase of your life, asking the Lord to reveal events and/or people that have hurt or wounded you. Be honest, and write them down! Slowly work your way backward in time, writing down everything you can remember.
After you have done this, look over your list. Then one by one, ask for forgiveness, even if the person (including yourself) does not deserve it. Take the paper home and burn it or throw it in the trash can in the room. (CD-Above the Storm, John Elliott piano music. Dimly lit with candles and one lamp. Pens and paper available)
Letting Go Room 216As you enter this room, pick up a rock. Turn it over in your hand, thinking about how your life is like this rock: at times heavy, smoothed over by the water of God's love, perhaps even a bit hardened by the pressures and stress of life.
Read the song by Nicole Nordeman.
Before leaving, place your rock in the water as a prayer to God that you are wanting to "let go" of your life to his care. (CD--stormscapes--rain sounds and piano. A platter of rocks, a basin of water to drop them in, dimly lit with one lamp)
Resting in God (ground level classrooms)
Perhaps the most important part of your spiritual journey is to rest; to be aware that Christ is in you, has gone before you, and will always be beside you. Augustine said it this way: You have made us for Yourself, O God; And our hearts are restless until we find our rest in you.
Contemplating the Love of God Room 111/113
In this room you will find several stations to contemplate Jesus' call to "come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." (These stations were in one large room on opposite sides. Lights were out but some spot lights helped create the effectively dim lighting while still being able to see. Mirrors, a broken mirrored homemade cross, ink pads, parchment paper burned around the edges for fingerprints, wine or juice, bread, and candles for the Lord's Supper table. CD--John Catching's sacred cello music)
Lord's SupperThe bread and wine are tangible reminders that Christ is alive. Take a piece of bread and dip it into the wine. Before eating, thank Christ that he has invited you to rest in him. His body and blood are real food and drink to refresh you on the journey.
Reflected in a MirrorBefore looking at your face in the mirror, read over the verses below several times, slowly pausing to let each word sink into your awareness.
And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit. (2 Cor. 3:18)
Take some time to look at your image in the mirrors on the wall. As you see your reflection, remember that you have been made in the image of God. That is, there is more to you than meets the eye! You are a spiritual being that is being transformed by the Spirit! Before leaving this station you might want to sing in the spirit of your awe of God's unseen but very real power in the world and in your life.
Stamped In His ImageAt this station you will find an ink pad and some paper. Place your thumb in the pad and onto the paper. After you do this, you might want to journal about how you perceive your image. Are you humbly becoming the person God has called you to be? Or are you driven to fit into the crowd or to be what someone else expects? A good litmus test is to consider whether you are at peace with yourself.
Sharing Silence Room 110 or outsideTake some time to sit (or walk) and rest in silence. The silence may be awkward at first. The events of the day, your "to do" list for tomorrow, sexual desires, guilt, happy memories and a host of other things may surface. Don't let these alarm you. To help with this, you might want to quietly repeat one of your favorite descriptions of Christ, especially if you feel bombarded with "noise". As you stay with the silence, you will become more aware that God is here to provide rest for your soul. (No CD. Pillows would be great in here--anything to make it comfortable. Scented candles--lots of them. Make it a soothing scent--not overpowering. Tea lights, etc. Dimly lit with candles.)
Outward Journey (Sanctuary area)The Spiritual Life includes being incarnational; that is, being Christ in the world. Thankfully, you are not asked to this with your own strength (God's Spirit is in you!) or by yourself (You are part of the body of Christ!). These stations are designed to remind you of the call to be missional; to pray, as St. Teresa of Avila did, "Lord, love the world through me." (Have scriptures scrolling on the screens)
Throw Yourself Like Seed-- Side LobbyAt this station you will find some seeds. Pick one up, hold it in your hand, even toss it around, thinking of the reality that your life in Christ is like a seed. You are small and insignificant. And yet, there is an incredible, life-giving potential in you.
Next, take your seed and bury it in the pot of dirt. Consider: you are called to die daily so that you might bear fruit. End this time in prayer, asking the Lord to take your life and make it fruitful for the sake of others and his kingdom. (CD Fernando Ortega's Hymns played over sound system. Candles.)
Let your Light Shine--Back-Center of the AuditoriumSpend some time looking at the candles in the auditorium. Through the ages candles have been lit to remind the people of God of his Presence! Spend some time silently considering how Christ IS present: in your life, in nature, in this church, in Scripture, and throughout the universe. The world is also a very dark place, filled with sadness, loneliness, grief, depression, and despair. Many people you know live in darkness.
Ask the Lord to reveal to you the name of one or two people that need to know the light of Christ. Then take an unlit candle or two (representing those the Lord has put on your heart) and light them. Spend some time in prayer, asking that the Lord would use YOU to bring this person or people to the Light. (CD Fernando Ortega's Hymns played over sound system. Enough tea light candles to go around--spread out over the table with stones and other decorative things in-between. Framed picture fSeveral Passion of Christ. several long candles to serve as "lighters".)
Prayer for Power and Love-- "Cave" area in the Auditorium
God has not given you a spirit of timidity but of power, love, and self-control. (2 Timothy 1.7)
Though this is a promise from Scripture, we often need the prayer of others so that we might not forget this reality. At this station you will find others to pray with you and for you, so that you might go into the world and love as Christ has commissioned you to do. (Black fabric draped on the ground to signify the area. Candles around. Fernando Cd is heard over the system. At least 2 people--men and women--there to pray over others.)
The i55 guys added greatly to this weekend of retreat. They facilitated our worship and brought hearts that were perfect for leading. Their humble spirits only brought more attention to the greatness of God. I've known Jon Paul a really long time and watched what God has done in him over the years. God has molded him into a powerful worship leader. I'm so thankful for his work with i55 in Dallas and I'm so thankful that J.P., Jeff and Dillon were willing to drive up to bless us last weekend. Thanks, guys!!
We had another treat last weekend. My old buddy, Allen popped in for an official Pepperdine visit to Otter Creek. It was great seeing him. Turns out he and Rubio are great friends from Memphis days. Here are their happy faces for your enjoyment!
This post is certainly long enough. Hope you're all having a great week! Thanks for stopping bye.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
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Oh yeah? Well, I did quiet time in Westminster Abbey on Saturday, so nyeh!
Actually, this looks really cool, BST. I wish I'd have been able to be there, but not to miss England.
That looks like it was an amazing weekend, I really liked the station pictures and the way you described them.
I found the i55 web site and listened to some if it. It would seem that Seidman has become an amazing speaker, not that he wasn't back in the ACU/Gamma Sig days, but WOW, I was amazed.
Thanks for sharing Brandon, I get so much from this blog of yours.
Very cool. I've always enjoyed the station-like stuff we've done at Zoe and would love to do something like this at our church. But I don't want to reinvent the wheel if I don't have to...
I wonder if you or Scott or someone would be willing to share ALL of your staion ideas with us so that other churches can try some of your ideas?
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