Thursday, May 26, 2005

Keep those birth date guesses coming! It's anyone's ballgame.

American Idol (or "A Miracle Idol" as Maddie and Ella call it) ended last night with a bang. I still say Vonzell. It was a total toss-up. Did anyone see the ad for the show coming on this summer by the same producers called "So You Say You Can Dance" or something like that? I want Craig Fisher to be on that.

The main reason for posting today is to point you to the Larry James/Central Dallas Ministries link over there----->. Larry James is a personal hero of mine. I know Cope feels the same way. He is speaking truth into our churches, small groups, fellowships, and immediate families about social justice and the need for Christians to get off their rears and serve our neighbors. If you haven't already, you should add him to your daily blog read. In fact, I'd echo Cope in saying if you can only read one blog a day, forget mine and make his your home page. Powerful stuff!

Sheryl's doing well. She looks like a fake pregnant person. Her body is the same except for this HUGE protruding growth right in front. She's definitely carrying Sam differently than she carried the girls. And I always thought that was a wives tale.

Happy late anniversary to Stephen and Stephanie Bailey. I think they have finally surpassed the amount of year living together that Stephen and I shared. They are a great witness to the power of faithful marriage and service to each other. 9 years, guys--what a blessing!


Debbie said...

June 2nd/ 9 lbs. 2 oz.

However, a healthy baby is more important to me than the CD! (but I'd be glad to give the CD to a new Zoe listener!)


Phil said...

June 29th. Water breaking at 10:15.

Born at 6pm on the 29th. 8 lbs. 1 oz.

Clarissa said...

Mercy. If she waited until June 29, he really WOULD be 27 pounds.

Phil said...

My bad. May 29th.

Peggy N Texas said...

This is in answer to your request as to a post yesterday concerning the merger between coc and Independent Christian.

We live in Beaumont, Texas. If you read the Christian Chronicle, there was an article concerning the merge by Lindy Adams. Tom McLeod, one of our shepherds helped to write the article. I am the wife of another shepherd.

Cornerstone cofc and Parkside Christian talked and "dated" for a year. It started when a mutual friend introduced the ministers and they got to dreaming. They brought it to the attention of their respective shepherds and were surprised the shepherds were all ears to think of a merger.

We did the special services on Wednesday nights last summer and had some joint services on Sunday morning at both places. It was then discussed and I think even voted on in one of the churches and with almost complete support on both sides. There were a few families who could not commit to it, but only a few (at least that I know of on our side).

Cornerstone was a break off of an established Beaumont congregation who was set in traditions. About four years ago, half the congregation wanted something more in outreach and half wanted the status quo. We even tried Pepperdine's Larry Sullivan dispute resolution sessions and nothing seemed to bridge the gap that was evident and growing every week.

The merged congregation, Christ Covenant has now been meeting for several months and we are currently trying to do some of the Purpose Driven Church material to realize the commitment needed to grow as a church. Our goal and hope is to reach out to the community in a way that has not been done before and do "church" differently. We are still grappling somewhat but making progress. We have both accapella music and instrumental in our services.

Our purpose statement is:
As Christ's ambassadors in this community we are committed to be ever seeking ways to glorify God
through worshipping Him,
bringing people to Jesus,
maturing in the faith,
and equipping to serve.

We have had two families place membership and two baptisms since our merger.

Please pray for us. This is new territory for most of us and we are really wanting to follow God's calling in all this. I believe the Lord has blessed our efforts and we are trying hard to follow His lead and let the community know we can be unified in diversity.

Thanks for asking. I have enjoyed reading your blog, which I connected to through Mike Cope. Again, God bless your family and especially on the new addition coming.

Anonymous said...

June 1st
8.5 lbs.
Happy healty baby, easy delivery.

Brandon, I just wanted to tell you I LOVED the picture you posted on Jonathan's blog site from camp.....if that doesn't spur him on to health, I don't know what will.


Craig said...

Sam will come when he is ready. Can't wait to see him. I guess you will have to bring him to Texas. I am so in on the dance show!

Anonymous said...

I don't think most of you realize just how huge this baby is going to be. I say at least 11 lbs. Phil, you're way off.

Stephen Bailey said...

Thanks for the happy anniversary wishes! You of all people know how hard it is to live with me. Can you believe how cool God is? He made someone weird enough for even me!

Anonymous said...

june 6th, 9 pounds even.......I'll be there with cigars!!

Anonymous said...

SB Ihave met your wife, and I would not call her weird... love blinders are a great thing!