Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Words I just don't like...
1. MOIST (eww.)
2. "myself" (as in Mary and "myself" went... instead of "I")
3. Evangelical
4. unchurched
5. "guy" (as in when someone addresses me... "hey, guy." It always makes me want to to point back and wink.)
6. contemporary (what even IS that these days?? It's ironic that the term contemporary is somewhat outdated)
7. stupid (especially when it's pointed at someone)
8. "special sauce" (no thanks.)
9. cancer
10. just about any bigoted slur.

Words I really like...
1. awesome (it's been a long-time favorite. My dad used to make fun of me for it!)
2. community
3. snap! (sad, but true. I really love that word.)
4. shrub
5. eclectic (come on...say it with me--embrace those consonants!!)
6. Daddy
7. emergent
8. hug, kiss, tickle, hold, pray, laugh, giggle, story...or any other joy-filled word related to my children.
9. Francisco (As Buddy the Elf would say... "Ooooh! That's fun to say!!")
10. sweet! (probably say that and "snap" way too often, but I guess it could be worse!)

Just some random early January thoughts. Add some of your own to the list. Come on... I know you have some!


Beaner said...

Words I don't like:

-curdled (eew!)
-chunk, chunky
-retarded (when used to mean dumb or uncool)

Words I like:

(You stole eclectic - I like that too!)
-Son of a Nutcracker! (Yeah - I like Buddyisms too!)
-pilfer, pilfered
and the phrases "Can I see your ID?" and "Let's get a pizza tonight!"

Deana Nall said...

I hate it when people say "I'm pooped." Sounds like they got pooped on or something.

Malia said...

Brandon and myself head out to an Evangelical house of worship when we encountered an unchurched guy. Brandon and myself wanted to get there in time for the contemporary worship service but an unchurched guy stopped us saying, "Hey, guy! The stupid person at the BK gave me a burger with special sauce! I can't stand special sauce! I read somewhere it can give you cancer!" Brandon and myself politely declined, leaving unchurched guy to mutter to himself about how special sauce makes the bun moist. Brandon and myself got to the Evangelical house of worship just in time for the contemporary service.

(I just couldn't fit #10 in, I'm sure you understand!)

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

this is killing me... "special sauce makes the bun moist"


Sandy said...

My 9-year-old says "sweet!" and "snap!" all the time... you must be exceptionally hip!

words I don't like:

words I like:

Stephen Bailey said...

Don't like:
the f-word that means to pass gas


Tiffany said...

Hate: "Come with" (when it's not followed by "me" or "us, but is just left hanging out there)

Love: Tangerine

Stephen Bailey said...

Thought of another one I can't stand: SHAME

Fajita said...

wedgy (unless applied to me)
mickle tonster (figure it out - I have kids)

Don't Like:
"The Lord's Church"