Thursday, January 25, 2007

It was an early morning as I clung to my pillow hoping I was imagining my alarm screaming at me at 4:45am. Bear (the epitome of “man’s best friend”) just groaned as I walked by. She seemed annoyed. Trust me…I understand!

Thanks to my early-rising friend, Gary, I was swept off to the airport to begin my trek to California which included a 2 hour layover in Dallas.

Flying alone always affords me the opportunity to think or read. I don’t take enough time to do either of those in a disciplined way. (Sheryl joins me on a later flight because of kids and commitments.) I brought my Bono book with me. I had only made it through about half of it before Christmas before pushing “pause”.

Bono in conversation with Michka Assayas is profoundly thought provoking…especially if you’re a Bono fan. It describes in detail, through interview and conversation, how Bono was influenced as a child, what drives him today, and the heart that ticks underneath his “rock star” persona. It is really wonderful. I have already made the recommendation on this blog, but I want to say again—go get this book!

I am so convicted by his passion for the poor. Campaigns like “ONE” and DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa or...”drop the debt”) have made a huge impact canceling over a billion dollars in debt to the poorest countries in the world with strong accountability as to how new monies are being spent for the good of those countries. Take a moment to click the link down there to your right and read more about ONE and join the force! (And go buy that book!)

The flight to California was perfect. It was absolutely clear outside and beautiful. We flew over the Grand Canyon, snow covered Colorado and then Yosemite. As I watched the beautiful scenery I also found myself lost in thoughts of conversations that have taken place over the last couple of weeks. Sometimes things have to just ruminate. Last week a friend was expressing some struggles to me over email. I really didn’t know what to say but I knew what I DIDN’T want to say. I didn’t want to offer spiritual platitudes or sterile sympathies. It took me a while to write him back. When I finally decided what I wanted to say, I found that God had spoken to ME probably more than this would speak to my friend.

I told him that all I could say was, “I’m so sorry and I hurt with you.” I reminded him of the story where Jesus is describing the bounty of God’s love and faithfulness by comparing him to an earthly father. Jesus pointed out that an earthly father when asked by his child for some bread would certainly return with bread and not a stone. “How much more does our Father in Heaven love and care for us?” The point here being that if I feel compassion and grief for my friend over his sufferings, how much more does God also feel for him? I can just imagine God saying, “I’m so sorry you’re having to hurt.” Sometimes the ONLY thing we can imagine is God saying “Oh, you’re hurting? *POOF* It’s gone!”

The Rob Bell DVD (NOOMA) I’ve mentioned before called “Rain” speaks to this. He was stuck on a hike with his one year old son in a backpack sling. As the rain poured down and his son shrieked, Rob took him out and held him near and kept whispering “I love you, buddy. We’re gonna make it. I know the way home.” I cannot keep from choking up every time I think about that. That’s why songs like “Blessed Be Your Name” mean so much to me. The theology seems so true and real for what we really experience on this journey. Why must we always have to understand? Why must the unanswered questions so rock our foundation? Why are the children of God so notoriously fickle? (including me, Chief Fickle) Why must everything be black and white? It’s not.

As we prepare to begin the ZOE conference tomorrow and the “Closer” theme resonates in me, these thoughts comfort and stretch me. Thanks for just letting me vent today.


Val said...

I gotta tell ya, "Blessed Be Your Name" gets to me every time I sing it. Regarding other comments you made, I love, love, love SCC's "God is God." If I were to have an anthem it would one of those two songs.

judy thomas said...

I love it when you have time to think! Mom\\P. S. What is SCC?

Drew Battistelli said...


Thanks for once again saying that we have the right to be fickle. I've been super frustrated lately at church, but not in my ministry to people around me. I hate limitations, but I'm learning to live with them.

I hope that "Closer" goes well this weekend and that you all are blessed by what is shared and the encouragement that you give and get at these experiences.

Personally, today was one of the best blogs in the last 2 months.