Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today was a long but good day. This morning was emotional on a lot of different fronts. I had forgotten I had planned "Be Unto Your Name" so it really hit home. Sheryl also left early this morning. We decided that to take the kids would be too much of a stress on her so the best way I could help was to stay and keep them. (Lauren has been a great help today! Thanks Lauren!) I hate the thought of Sheryl driving alone, but last time we talked she was really loving the quiet time.

This afternoon we had more rehearsal for the Schermerhorn event. It went well. This is really going to be one of those memory making moments.

Tonight I sat the girls down to try and explain about their uncle David. They've processed more about death than some kids because of having to figure out where "Poppy" is (my dad). We wanted to wait until Sheryl was gone so that they wouldn't have extra separation anxiety knowing why she was leaving. I think it was the right choice. I talked to them about David's illness and that his body was just hurting and tired. Then I told them that it just quit working and he died. We talked about how it made them feel and the questions they had. Then Maddie said, "We should say a prayer for Mommy and Memaw and Pa-Paw." (So precious to my soul) She stopped and led us in a very sweet prayer. Then after saying amen she reminded us all that fish die before dogs and dogs die before people. Then Ella wanted to clear up who actually flushed Jack the fish down the toilet--"was it you or Mommy???"

There will be more questions I'm sure. Before bed Maddie asked, "Will Mommy be sad when she gets home?" I told her she might be a little sad but really happy to see us. Then we spent the next few minutes thinking up fun treats to have for Mommy when she gets home.

I wanted to talk to them about this because I knew they would hear about it from friends or adults saying they were sorry about Sheryl's brother or something. I didn't want them to wonder. I also didn't go into detail. I figure they'll deal with life and death in bits and we all do.


Drew Battistelli said...


You did an excellent job. Learning a lot about that in my social work and therapy classes.

I made a comment to Mike Cope last year and didn't get to you, but both of you have done an excellent job at motivating me to become a husband and father, just as Justin said.

Thanks for writing this blog! See you this weekend!

Peggy N Texas said...

Don't know about the father side, since I am a grandmother. But on the mother side, you are doing a great job of fathering your children.

Taking the time to talk, really talk and more importantly, to listen to your kids is an impact on their lives you will never regret.

I want to shake up so many families to get them to see that taking the time and effort to have a relationship with your kids is not hard, just takes effort pointed purpose and you have to start when they are young.

You guys are in my prayers. Keep up the good work, dad. I know Sheryl appreciates you and your involvement in the kids training!

Stephen Bailey said...

Sweet Maddie! Your children are blessed! We are praying for Sheryl's safety and her hurting heart and for her parents. We are on that great adventure of parenting and I'm proud of you for taking the time to love, teach, guide and enjoy your kids. It's a reminder to me to do the same.

markreeves said...

So very sorry to hear about David, but so grateful to God that he has finished the race. Praying for you all. My love to Sheryl.

Mark Lowenstein said...


You and your family are in our prayers! According to Brandon, David is now in the "long-anticipated" fellowship with God and the faithful. He's in the "eternity-phase"!! Praise God!