Saturday, August 27, 2005

Last Sunday night I was so surprised to see Mark Meador walking down the aisle towards me at our Celebration service. When I turned and saw Shelli and their kids I wondered what was going on. He told me that they had just moved to Nashville and I am pretty sure that I let out a pretty large gasp of disbelief. I am SO excited about them being in Nashville! Mark's sister, Kimberly (now Conder) was a good friend and Sing Song host with me at ACU. Shelli's brother, Scott, sings on our praise team and is my bass section leader for the music ministry. Mark and Shelli are moving here from Houston (First Colony area) but before that lived in Abilene. Shelli is a DREAM for any church. She sings, she produces children's musicals, and she's a blast. Mark is a born leader and is so much fun to be around. Their kids, Cole, Chase, Carson, and Madison are adorable.

Yesterday afternoon I called them and asked them to meet us for dinner at...yes, you guessed it, BAJA BURRITO!! Everyone needs a good dose of Baja when they are new to Nashville. We had so much fun. It was hilarious to watch our 7 kids together. Maddie and Ella acted like Madison was their long-lost sister. Those kids are so sweet.

After dinner we went to the park and the boys took special care with the little girls to make sure they could swing and play. It was so neat to see how tender their hearts are. Did I mention that I am so glad they are all here??

As for the comments the other day, I've been thinking. I spouted off some stuff about "function" without really explaining what I was meaning. The concept I like about "A Church That Flies" is that we should really be more interested in function over form. We have concentrated so much on form for so long that many of the most important functions of the church have been put on the back-burner and left to atrophy. What a great way to approach a post-modern era...even a "church without walls" concept. Instead of worrying so much about what church will LOOK like, let's just BE the church. I know it's easier said than done, but that's what I meant about function. Jesus healed on the Sabbath. Why? Because he came for the sick and the lost...and not to hold up form (or law) over function. Why do you think he was in such trouble all the time? He was touching the sensitive places in our hearts. It's so much harder to adopt a life-style instead of a rule book. At least it is for me. (This is in NO way an indictment on any commenter.) I just think that when we look to how we're supposed to function and our supreme witness, lifestyle, heart, etc...then we are set free from the bondage of crossing every "t" and dotting every "i" to make a perfect offering. Gofer wood and all that. :)

This morning I put the girls in the jogging stroller and we went up to Christ Church next to our house (by way of some ridiculous hills behind our house). They have the coolest indoor play area that makes the McDonald's playland look like a ride at Wal-Mart. They leave it open for the community to come in and play--even when nobody on staff is there. What a cool thing for the community! We had a blast.

Now I must go and try to bring feeling back into my legs after the climbing. Tonight is Otter Creek Singles babysitting night HALLELUJAH...and all the angels sang. We're going over to JV and Liz's house with the ZOE folks and other friends to celebrate Liz's birthday.

Have a great Saturday!


Matt Elliott said...

Can't wait to have fish tacos at Baja Burrito while in town for Zoe. Woo-hoo!

Jenni said...

I guess I'm gonna have to put Baja Burrito on my list of places to try when in town for Zoe.....

Heather said...

Still waiting on OUR dinner invite... :o)

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

ooooohhhh. FACE. Yes, you're right. WE need to get together. You and Scott ahve been a blessing to us too. We need to know you better. ISn't it funny that we all have kids now??

Guatorean Daddy said...

A little off topic..By chance is a recording of Donald Miller's talk available?

Eric C in STL