There will be a celebration of the life of Jenny Bizaillion tomorrow (Thursday) at 1:00pm at the Richland Hills Church of Christ in Richland Hills, TX. I know there will be a lot of tears that day but Josh assured me that he would provide some comic relief too. Please pray for them as they grieve. I remember the day of my dad's funeral as if it were yesterday (it's been 18 years).
On a slightly different note, I want to give a thank you shout-out to American Airlines. I have become more and more frustrated with them over the years. However, last night they really met my needs. Sheryl and I are going on vacation this weekend...a trip that we've been looking forward to for a LONG time. I called American and they allowed me to split the trip and use the front leg of my trip from Nashville to Dallas tomorrow instead of Friday in order to make it for the funeral. The travel associate was extremely helpful and compassionate about the circumstances. It was a true gift from the Lord. I am so grateful to be going.
Many of you have written privately telling me that you have been praying for the Ross/Bizaillion families. Many of you don't know them at all. I just want to tell you how much that means to me...and in passing that on to them, how much it means to them. (Thanks for the comment yesterday, Jonathan. I'm ready to see you tomorrow.)
Please keep those prayers up. This week will be tough. This year will be tough. Let's don't stop praying for them--they need it now just as much, if not more.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Services for Jenny Ross Bizaillion
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Jenny Ross Bizaillion
At 3:38pm today Jenny Bizaillion passed from this world. She was a beautiful sister, wife, mother and friend. My heart goes out to all of the Ross and Bizaillion family. These things we do not understand. We can only hope with a heart that sees beyond what we know on Earth. And one thing we know...precious to our Lord are the tears of his children.
I spoke with Josh just now and he and his family are on the road driving to Fort Worth. If you're reading, please pray for their safety. Father, surround and protect them. Be their abiding Comfort and Peace.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Celebrity Summit Cast
Tomorrow we send off our Celebrity Summit cast. They are a very talented group. Lots of return performers for us. They are going to be such a hit out there.
Cheers to all of you... Jasmin, Jeremy, Jeff, Joseph, Lindsey, Charley, Patrick, Danielle, Amy, Kerri-Ann, Simon, Igor, Ariel, Brandi, Kate, and Erin... you've all had such a great chemistry on stage. Thank you for giving it 100%. Break a leg guys!!!
Here are some video clips for your viewing pleasure :) In case you aren't sure how to make it play...hit the arrow in the lower left hand corner of each screen. (sometimes it might say "This video is unavailable". If you'll refresh your page, it will come up. Not sure why it does that.)
Lindsey as "Thoroughly Modern Milly"
Typewriter scene from "Milly" (I always love this...and love Milly)
Jasmin sings "All That Jazz" from the musical CHICAGO. (I first heard Jasmine sing as the lead in AIDA at ACU and I knew right then I wanted to work with her. Fantastic on stage!)
dance scene from the musical CHICAGO
Lion King... "Circle of Life". Jeremy Hardy...incredible.
Lion King... "He Lives In You" Lindsey sounds great on this! The dancers are nailing it too.
Lion King... "Circle of Life" finale
The following video clips are from one of their other shows...just a few here
"The Main Event"
"Sir Duke" Jeremy Hardy
"Georgia" Jeremy Hardy...I remember when Jeremy auditioned a couple of years ago. He sang a little R&B and nailed it. He was hired in that track and then WHO KNEW he could also sing opera?? He brought the HOUSE DOWN singing Nessun Dorma. Great guy. Great voice. I'm biased here, but I think we have the best performers working for Gary Musick Productions. Solid people. I'm proud of all of them.
"Respect"--featuring Jasmin, Charley, Danielle, Kate and Brandi
Jasmin sings "Hero". Ariel and Brandi dance beautifully. They were recently married. Love watching them perform!
I had to leave early and didn't get a lot of video of Joseph and Jeff. They are awesome too. I wish them all the best as they fly to Puerto Rico tomorrow. They will make us proud! Peace and safe travels, friends!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Praying for Jenny Bizaillion
Jenny is in surgery right now. If you are finding a hard time putting words to your cries to the Lord, join me in claiming Isaiah 35 over all of them...
The desert and the parched land will be glad;
the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.
Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom;
it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.
The glory of Lebanon will be given to it,
the splendor of Carmel and Sharon;
they will see the glory of the LORD,
the splendor of our God.
Strengthen the feeble hands,
steady the knees that give way;
say to those with fearful hearts,
"Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
he will come to save you."
Then will the eyes of the
blind be opened
and the ears of the deaf unstopped.
Then will the lame leap like a deer,
and the mute tongue shout for joy.
Water will gush forth in the wilderness
and streams in the desert.
The burning sand will become a pool,
the thirsty ground bubbling springs.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Prayers for Jenny Bizaillion
This is a picture of my buddy Josh Ross with his sister Jenny. As you've read here many times before, our history with the Ross's goes way back. We have been in constant prayer for Jenny, her husband David and their daughter Malaya. Jenny is having a very difficult time and needs our prayers today. The vascular surgeon has recommended amputation of both feet as soon as possible. Please pray for her. You can follow her updates here
Josh flew back to Memphis Saturday night to preach Sunday morning. He called and we got to talk for a while Saturday night. I was so glad to get a live report and hear how they are all doing. They are you can imagine. They are also overwhelmed by the amount of people praying for Jenny. I told him it was a direct reflection on the way his family has invested in others over the years.
If you're reading this today, please just stop for a moment and ask God to restore Jenny to good health.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: As of this afternoon the doctors have decided to postpone Jenny's surgery until tomorrow. This will give them time to discuss the necessity of the surgery. Please pray that God will heal her legs...and that Josh makes it safely back to Fort Worth today.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Urgent Prayer Request
Blog family, many of you know that Josh Ross is one of my very closest friends in this world. His family means a lot to us. Josh has been a brother to me over the year and an extra son to my mom. Jonathan is a brother too and ironically ended up in Houston at Bammel Road where Chuck and Laura worship (Sheryl's family). They are all special to so many.
Josh and Jonathan's sister Jenny is very ill. She went into the hospital last Thursday with what seemed to be pneumonia. It turned septic and has been running through her entire body. Her kidneys are in failure as is her liver. They are trying as I write this to fix a gall bladder issue before giving her the much needed blood transfusion. Please pray for this delicate and dangerous procedure. If you want to keep up with them, click Josh's link over there and wait for updates. Or, check out a more blow by blow description here
We will continue to watch and pray. Praying tonight for supernatural healing and for strength for Jenny's husband David and their daughter Malaya.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Heart Gala 2010
Last night was the 2010 Heart Gala. The National Heart Association has this gala/auction to raise money each year for research and prevention of heart disease. It's also (according to a reporter in attendance) one of Nashville's prettiest events. Everyone looked so beautiful!
I was the producer of the event working with Erin Link from the Heart Association. Erin is the director of social events and is a dream to work with. She worked tirelessly to make this event a success.
My responsibilities as producer were to oversee the production of the event...from theme to linens to entertainment. The Schermerhorn Symphony Center is one of the most beautiful venues. Everyone there is so great to work with. Thank you to Allison Huber, Bruce Pittman, and Brian Doane especially.
Thank you also to my Gary Musick Productions teammates: Jonathan Yeaworth for doing a great job of organizing and directing the sound and AV elements, Jim Sheridan for being an awesome stage manager, Chris L, Jacob, and Chris A. for running the load-in crew, and Gary for putting together the power point presentation.
The theme this year was Asian... "Fortunes of the Heart"Volunteers are in place and ready for the silent auction

Chinese Lion Dance
The Craig Duncan Orchestra playing during dinner
Friday, February 05, 2010
Monday, February 01, 2010
Three Big Shows in One Week
I am in the middle of 3 big shows...Cydcor last weekend in Dallas, Emdeon today and Heart Gala this coming Saturday. It's been a bit crazy.
I just got home from the Cydcor show. I always enjoy being with those guys. It was so fun seeing Sue, Gail, Crystal and Monique. The set rocked...we created an iphone set. The aps were all corresponding to convention sessions and speakers. It was so cool! Executive Producer: Mary K. Schreiber, Cydcor friends: Monique, Suzanne, Gail and Crystal, and Producer: David Holloway

The rock-a-billy microphone lectern is one of my favorite features of the Monster Guitar set