Monday, December 27, 2004

Maddie's prayer tonight:

"Dear God, thank you for everything and for church and for Jesus. Thank you for my toys and Mommy and my jumpy thing. Thank you for my friends and for Indians and pilgrims. Thank you that Jesus loves me. In Jesus name we pray, 'ay-meee-an'"

The minds of children! Precious times. Have a great night!


Anonymous said...

Hey Brandon,
You and your family are such special people. Sunday morning was a blessing for me and very moving. It is truly great to reflect back on that gift in Christ that I too often don't understand as well. It's as Paul puts it in Colossians "this mystery". Sometimes we get boggled down with what it means to have this gift and take for granted so much we have to live for. When we look at Christ and his passion for others it is when we get a better handle on the significance of that gift. Thanks for reminding me and others of the importance of this gift.
I appreciate your humbleness and spirit...Zac

Beaner said...

Jessica's prayer yesterday at dinner:
"Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day & thank you for the food, you please take care of me? and thank you for Daddy & Mommy & Nick & me & Jesus & God. Amen" Her prayers bring a smile to my face & tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing Maddie's prayers! I love it!