Saturday, January 21, 2006

It was a great weekend conference in Fresno. We finish up tomorrow and back home tomorrow night. The food as been every bit as good as it always is. However, today we had the infamous California In & Out Burgers for lunch. I've always enjoyed a good IN & Out burger. UNTIL TODAY. Let's just say that I found out why it's called "In & OUT". IN fact, it might be more aptly named, "In & Out and out and out and out....ooops yep, one more OUT." Disgusting. I think I was green most of the session tonight.

Talked to Sheryl and the kids have had a good weekend. I wish I were going to be home sooner. I know Sheryl is ready.

Lots of prayers going up today for Russell Heil and family as they endured Kari's funeral this morning. To continue to post words of encouragement and prayer, please visit here Faith @ Full Capacity. I know it will really mean a lot to him once he's able to see through the fog.

Blessings to all of you tonight. And...take my advice...stay away from In & Out Burgers.


Thurman8er said... was fun watching you run up and down the aisles, wondering if you were going to hurl when you sat back down.


Stephen Bailey said...

Layover at DFW?

Tim Castle said...

Hey, man, those are fighting words! No In-N-Out? I'd sooner give up Krispy Kreme!

And be honest: The real reason you felt ill was because you had to watch yourself being hugged by Walling up on the big screen Saturday morning!

Karen said...

Now I know why you disappeared so quickly Saturday night.

I'd never had an In & Out Burger till we moved out here... I thought they were delicious, but maybe you just ruined them for me! Ah well.. there are worse things. Hope you are free from "moving" experiences for a while.

Y'all were a real blessing this past weekend.