Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr.

On this day where we honor MLK and the great prophetic voice he was to our country, I'd like to share one of my favorite MLK quotes.

“Let no man pull you low enough to hate him.” –Paul’s Letter to American Christians

In this sermon on Nov. 4, 1956, King adopted the voice of the Apostle Paul to imagine what the New Testament author would have said about American society. In King’s imaginary letter, Paul called on Americans to redouble efforts to help the poor, work for social equality, and come together as a nation. He also warned that America’s spiritual development had not kept pace with its amazing scientific strides, and urged people to concentrate on faith.

I submit to you that we have made great strides in some ways...and find ourselves still paralyzed in others. Hate is a funny thing. It shows itself up in subtle ways that make us feel better about it. Join me today in examining the parts of our hearts that still need to be infused with the grace of Jesus for others.

Maddie had to memorize this for school...

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