Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hoping Jennifer Hudson wins a statue tonight!! I can't wait to watch the awards!

Lubbock looms...much to be done! I am excited about seeing a bunch of our friends there. Please be praying for all those who are traveling with us to sing, lead, or teach AND all those planning to attend. settle something with my brother-in-law...let me ask you a question. If someone were to say to you, "Would you mind going to get me some M&Ms?" Which kind would you return with? Keep in mind...all that was asked for was M&Ms. Please vote...what would you return with if someone asked you for M&Ms...a dark brown bag of candy or a yellow bag of candy?


Aggiema (Michelle) said...

I would have called for clarification but if I could not have gotten thru then I would have probably bought the brown wrapper, plain m&m's, although I prefer the almond ones myself.

Sarah said...

Unless you specify, it's regular M&M's, in the dark brown wrapper.

Lubbock may not be there -- they may have blown away yesterday!

ginger said...

I too would have asked for clarification, but if I had none, I would have come back with a bag of plain m&ms (I prefer the peanut butter ones)

Mark Lowenstein said...


Dark M&M's are much more healthier. So I pick, DARK!

Tim Castle said...

So nice to have someone asking the important questions.

If someone had asked me for M&M's, I would have come back with large bags of plain, peanut, almond, and the crispy thingies, plus bags of small 3 Musketeers, Snickers, and a dozen donuts for good measure.

I like to be prepared for any sugar deprivation emergencies.

Amy S. Grant said...

Wow, we see what pulls the comments out! The deep ponderings of M&M's, which happens to be a favorite subject of mine.

I would get the plain ones too, dark brown wrapper. Although my new favorites are the peanut butter ones.

~Jodi~ said...

yep I'd be bringing the plain M&M's in the dark brown bag back too!

Jacinda said...

oprvtdark brown

Jacinda said...

sorry about the previous commetn. Somehow I typed my word verification in the wrong spot!

Craig said...

Peanut butter in the orange bag. Duh!

HW said...

I would have returned with the dark brown bag. I believe m&m etiquette says it is up to the person making the request to specify what kind he wants; the gopher should not be bothered with asking such questions. As one of my professors used to say: "I AM SEEKING SPECIFICITY"

Katherine said...

Plain...wait, what was the question? I hate the yellow bag, and of course I would want them to share :) Is that kind of like asking for "coke" down here?

Nah, Lubbock is still there-they are used to those kinds of storms. Now, Abilene was almost blown away...

I am SO looking forward to Lubbock!! :)

Christy said...

I personally flot between the brown and yellow bags--I like both, but would have bought the brown bag for someone that simply asked for "a bag of M&M's"

What did he want?

Beaner said...

M&M's are in the BROWN bag.

PEANUT M&M's are in the yellow bag.

I would have bought the plain. And I would have gotten all defensive if they wanted the other ones & I would have said "Well, you didn't say you wanted PEANUT M&M's!!!!"

Fajita said...

OK, what is wrong with all of you people? I am sure you are good people in some way, but to think that M&M's means plain (boring and seriously lacking) M&M's is crazy.

Since the introduction of the peanut to M&M's, peanut M&M's have become the standard by which all M&M's are measured. This undeniable fact does not mean they are the best M&M's (sophisticated people know almonds M&M's are the best), it merely means that they are the standard.

So far as I can tell, the only response thusfar that remotely makes any sense is Tim Castle's.

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Sometimes the harsh, cold reality is hard to accept. It doesn't matter which standard you use, M&Ms are M&Ms. NOT Peanut M&Ms or any other variation, though tasty as they may be. Peanut M&Ms weren't even invented until 15 years AFTER regular M&Ms. They are sooooo good. But, they aren't M&Ms. They are Peanut M&Ms. You must deal with your shame and crawl on your hands and knees back to Gail to make ammends.

Fajita said...

This farce has gone on long enough. The M&Ms with the peanuts in them are the real thing, baby.

I know the chronology of PLAIN M&Ms and M&Ms. Don't lecture me on candy history.

I am willing to let you and your minions say whatever it is that lets you sleep at night, and I willing to let you blabber whatever you want to on your own biased and rigged blog, but make no mistake - no amount of falseness is going to pierce through the truth.

Fajita said...

Hey Brandon- this is Gail- thanks for the very reliable market research - I won! the people have spoken! (Chris denies that I won- but he has to know by now that I always win on the "important" arguements)