Thursday, September 24, 2009

ZOE Inside Out

The countdown to the 2009 Nashville ZOE Conference is underway...just one week from today! How many of you are coming? The CD released this week. I am anxious to hear feedback from those of you who are blog readers. Please let us know what you think!

I leave in the morning for the Norwegian Spirit...taking out a brand new cast and 2 new shows along with Robert Hertenstein from NCL and Angi Weis (production mngr from Gary Musick). The cast has worked very hard to be ready for their debut. It will be a tough week. Please keep all of us in your prayers.

I am looking forward to seeing some of you next weekend at ZOE. I will be late, but I'll be there.


Drew Battistelli said...
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Drew Battistelli said...

WHEW! What an amazing experience. I got it in the mail, gave it a listen through a television and then got some alone time this evening listening to the entire CD and singing along, praying along, meditating through it... All I can say is thank you for the time spent on this album- God has and will continue to use it directly for His Glory. Thank you for being used by Our Father.

annie said...

So sad to miss Zoe this year, but I've ordered the CD & can't wait to hear it! I'm sure I'll be ordering some more, too. I'll look forward to Pepperdine in the Spring, for sure!

Mike Taylor said...

Looking forward to getting the CD. Hopefully it will arrive in the mail today. Look forward to seeing you guys at the conference!