Thursday, June 10, 2004

I've been thinking a lot about family lately. Maybe it's because Father's Day is approaching, not sure. I am just grateful to God for the closeness we all share. We feel the miles setting us apart from both sides of our family. I wish things were different there. We're thinking through some ways to change that with regard to my mom. It's exciting and scary at the same time. My Aunt Vickie sent me an email yesterday again reminding me of the blessing of kinship. Sheryl and I head to Arkansas next week to be with her folks. I guess I am just feeling thankful that God has blessed us with sweet relationships inside our immediate families. Too many people don't have that.

We have an overstuffed yellow chair in Ella's room. I went in this morning when she woke up (it was my turn today) and sat with her in the chair. She was still a little sleepy and pretty cuddly. I was sitting there trying to soak it in. There will be a day when Ella won't want to do that. I want to enjoy it while I can.

Last night Mark Love spoke about the Biblical meaning of peace. He said it was about wholeness and bringing all aspects of life together. Sometimes we are different people depending on where we are. God longs for there to be congruence in our lives. It brings peace and rest. It was a great word for us.

We are preparing to do the marathon studio session this weekend. Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday afternoon. What was that about Sabbath? Please pray that our hearts will be focused and that our voices hold up. We covet your prayers.

I'll close today with these words from Fenelon probably from around the early 1700's.

Lift up your heart to God. He will purify, enlighten, and direct you. David said, "I have set the Lord always before me." Repeat his beautiful words, "Whom have I in heaven but You, and there is none on earth I desire that compares with you."

Do not wait for the time when you can shut the door without interruption. The moment you long for inward prayer is enough to bring you into God's presence. Turn toward God simply, trustfully, and with familiarity. Even in those moments you are most interrupted, you can turn toward your Father. Instead of being annoyed by unprofitable talk, you can find relief in finding a moment of inward fellowship with God.


Anonymous said...

This was very timely for me. My mom, stepdad and I have been on the outs since I got engaged to my husband - nearly 12 years now. She has not met her incredible grandsons, and since I am an only child, this is doubly hard to bear for me. I think the Lord has been putting this back on my heart recently, but I am still struggling with a lot of anger and resentment toward my mother. She refuses to accept my husband and my faith/church.
You are truly blessed to have such wonderful relationships with your family and Sheryl's. Treasure them! Nurture them! Pass them on to the girls!
Blessings to you and yours...
<>< Chris

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

thank you, Chris. What kind of church are you guys attending now? Have there been any opportunities or glimmers of hope about reconciliation with your mom and step dad?

Tim Castle said...

Brandon, that is a great quote. If I could learn to hold that place of peace and fellowship with God in my heart, and stay open to His presence even in the most difficult times, I could probably become much better salt and light in the world.

Thanks for passing it along.

Anonymous said...

Actually I met you at last year's ZOE conference, and we attended Sunday services at OC. I attend a cofC in central Illinois. The problem is my mother doesn't approve of my husband because he is a different race. That's pretty much the crux of the matter. My grandmother and aunts are all okay with the situation, but my mother's famous stubbornness is holding fast. I don't know about any sort of reconciliaiton. The last time I communicated with her, she had definite boundaries that she wanted to observe, as in 'we might communicate for a while, then maybe meet once in a while, then maybe I'll meet my grandkids, but I want the option to say I'm not going any farther at any point in the process.' So, reconciliation probably isn't going to happen any time soon. Sorry I've just kind of vented...but thanks for asking...
<>< Chris

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

I can only imagine the hurt that has caused. I pray that the peace of Christ would come to rest all over that situation. Thank you for sharing this with us.