Monday, November 26, 2012

50 years

Friday night we celebrated the day, 50 years ago, when my parents walked down the aisle into a new life together. That life saw a lot of happiness and ended just shy of 30 years together before my father passed away. But their legacy lives on. We gathered to remember, to celebrate, to laugh and catch up with old friends. It was a wonderful evening! Thank you to all those who were able to make it!

Dave and Ann Jones, Ronnie and Darla Lorenz (Nanny and Abbaba) 

Mom with Jim and Jeannene Nichols

The Thomas clan

Sam and Andrew Boone

Joe and Kaye Hawkins

Dave and Ann Jones

Pat and Morgan Phillips

Looking at pics from their 25th wedding celebration

Ronnie and Darla Lorenz (Nanny and Abbaba)

Dave Jones and my dad circa 1968

Mom on their honeymoon--you're welcome, Mom!


Mom and Dad with Morgan and Pat Phillips and Maureen Dunaway

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love that your parents love is until "death parts us" -- for both of them. I can tell how much your mother still loves your dad so very much. And I love the friendships she has maintained through the years. How precious for her.

AND -- I have always thought Ella looked like Sheryl... until I saw the honeymoon pics! :-) I see a little Judy now.