Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Do you have those days where life and death seem to all run together? I felt overwhelmed this morning by the things some friends are dealing with. There's great joy--Stephanie Bailey is having her baby today! There's great sorrow--a friend is dealing with the loss of his wife. There are friends whose marriages are in trouble. There are friends who are in the middle of a difficult divorce. My friend Shannon is healing from her surgery. (Thanks for the update Amy!) Another friend is battling her own demons. Jaz and Jamie struggle to even get up and live each new day. I miscommunicate with my wife. I feel excitement over the move and anxiety over all that is left to be done. It's one of those days when the good and the bad all seem to culminate in this weird tapestry that people call "life".

Life--a weird series of events and decisions. One decision can forever change it. It is this multifaceted experience of all the personalities of God. It's a hands-on lesson in trust and love. Life--full of moments that pass quickly and beg to be noticed. Life--this weird thing we hold onto that we're not even guaranteed from one minute to the next. Life--a gift to be treasured. Life--full of joy...even in the smallest of moments. Life--finding love, discovering yourself, discovering God...even in unexpected places.

Don't read this today and try to analyze where I am or what could be going on with me. I'm really ok. I'm just reminded of the precious, sometimes difficult, road that we all walk and how important it is to support each other along the way.

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