Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Here are some pictures from the weekend...Maddie is so into wearing her "wedding dress" right now. Saturday she got her bouquet and rode her "wedding bike" all around the downstairs. She's enamored with the idea of weddings right now. I think Alisha's wedding this summer was the trigger.

Geof held Sam through a lot of our life group meeting Sunday night and Sam was loving it. Geof had the touch!

Last night Maddie and Ella went off by themselves. We found them in their room sitting on Ella's bed reading books. What a JOY!

Maddie and Ella wanted to pose together after story time.

I had coffee this morning with Charlie Brandon. Officially, he's a "former" elder at Otter Creek. But, in reality, there's no such thing. He has a shepherd's heart. It was of great encouragement.

My heart is heavy today for people going through stuff. It's so hard to offer it up to the Lord and not want to "fix" it. I'm also feeling like the ZOE conference is blowing in and I have a tiny little umbrella. There's a lot left to do. I'm meeting tomorrow night with the band to rehearse for the instrumental time on Thursday night the 6th. I think we're going to do some Lincoln Brewster stuff as well as some instrumental versions of songs off of In Christ Alone. What I LOVE about the ZOE conference is that God collects these people from all over the country and the world on that weekend and does something that none of us can even imagine. Just pray for discernment for me in my planning. I'm SO overwhelmed every year about this time with the honor of being a part of that weekend. It is so humbling to know that God works in spite of me and such an honor to be a part of that. I always leave feeling like God spoke to me through people who come. It is truly an emotionally draining weekend--in a great way!

Have a great Tuesday. Thanks for your prayers for the conference.


Jacinda said...

I love finding my girls reading quietly by themselves. It is truly a joy to see and one I'm sure your mother especially enjoys seeing!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Your girls are so stinking beautiful!!! It's amazing! :) I love it when you post pictures of them! And, of course Sam, well, there are no words!

Joel said...

I love you Brandon.

Just had to tell you that!

Anonymous said...

I am planning on attending the Worship Conference Oct. 7,8. Am I to expect instrmental music as we go through the conference? Please know that I am not saying that in judgement. However, I will not be leading an instrumental worship service anytime soon. What should I expect?

Gem said...

You bless so many people through the Zoe Conference. My husband has gone for the past 3 years, but I've either been hugely pregnant or had a nursing baby and have been unable to attend. I was planning to attend, but babysitting arrangements fell through and I thought my chance to experience this Zoe thing was down the drain for this year. I was OK with that, but God has provided! I'm going to be there this year, and I'm so geeked!

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Hi anon. Here's what you can expect...the majority of the worship times will be acapella. There will be one or two that won't and some late night stuff that won't. There are some churches coming who are doing "cross-platform" stuff at their places, meaning both instrumental and acapella. So, in keeping with what ZOE does best, we'll have most of the main sessions in acapella and then some toher instrumental times. Does that help?

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the explanation. I look forward to seeing and experiencing the conference. I'll introduce myself if I get a chance. I'm just not a big "Blogger."