Friday, August 05, 2005

Inspired by my brother and former roommate, Chris Doggett, I am going to list a few things that really bug me right now...or maybe always. All in fun, people. All in fun.

1. People who drive slow in the passing lane...putting on make-up, reading a book, talking on their cell phones. Oblivious.

2. Rubber-neckers. Can I get an amen, Chris?

3. The Kroger commercial right now for 10 for $10. If I have to hear the words "meat weiners" one more time I am going to have to scream. Meat wieners. ugh.

4. People who write notes to you through your church website trying to incite you into an argument. Bless.

5. The most phlegmmy cold I had about a month ago that refuses to let go.

6. Church people who think America is the leading Christian nation and who don't see it as a mission field. (or care about social justice)

7. The eternal overlooking of the side of ranch dressing. (I'm trying to get over it. It's not that big of a deal. I mean it's only happened 2,967,418 times. But-it's ranch dressing.)

8. The irony of #6 and #7 right next to each other and the parts of myself that are exactly like that.

9. Robert Tilton.

10. Dealing with life in the physical. Sheryl's pain and physical issues, my mom's, etc. What will our new bodies be like?

After Rubio's sermon Sunday, I've really been trying to deny myself this week. This list is an indulgence but things like traffic frustration (several notches down from road rage) and ranch dressing are such stupid things to get worked up over. I wish I didn't get as frustrated as I get. I wish that my life were characterized with less selfishness and more giving. That's a prayer request right now for me. Thanks!

Wednesday night was completely amazing. Oh my goodness. Father Strobel was amazing, and the homeless men who came were amazing. I talked with Billy--one of the men--for a while over dinner. He encouraged me beyond words. These guys are really on the path to healing. Have you noticed that there's something inspiring about that? When we meet people who are overcoming pain or heartache or mistakes, there's something in us that wells up with encouragement and cheer. I think it's because, if we're honest, we see ourselves in them. We are all overcoming something. We're all medicating in one way or another. It may not be through drugs, alcohol, or sex. It might be through shopping, or spending lots of money on material things, or being a work-a-holic. Some people medicate through co-dependent relationships. We all medicate to some degree. I found myself so inspired by what I heard from these men. I saw the same need in me. They are a part of a program that gets them back on their feet and the first phase is a centering. They are trying to replace all the other stuff with a centering on Christ and the ability to be silent, confess, and listen. POWERFUL. Don't we all need that?

Sheryl is really hurting. Please pray for her. I am going to spend most of the day at home today helping and trying to tend to the kids so she can rest. The stint comes out Monday. Not a day too soon.

Last night I crawled up in bed with Ella. She gently stroked my face and kept saying, "I wuv you Daddy." My reaction was surprising. I found myself on the verge of really weeping. Such sincerity. Such honest love and devotion. It is one of the truest, most precious gifts of God to be a father. I know you dads out there can relate to me. I am a blessed man.

I pray that your weekend is full of wonderful time with those you love. Thanks again for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Robert Tilton????

Kosaba sata - san di de de bo soy soya

one of these days I'll share my Roberto Tilton story with you!

Unknown said...

............I am touched that I have moved you to the point of rattling off the things that bug you. Now,for the love of all the is just, pure, and right.....will you go get my ranch please.

Stephen Bailey said...

Of course I love lists like this. Way to go Dog! I loved what you said about Ella. How do we bottle that and keep them from getting jaded like me? So honest and so encouraging. I was rushing out the door to sing at a wedding when Rainey stopped me and told me I looked great. After I sang she told me it sounded wonderful! What a gift of encouragement! We can learn so much from those little ones. Unless we become like them...

Deb said...

We wish Sheryl did not have to be hurting so much. Please know we are praying God will give her some comfort through this weekend, and an enduring strength for Monday. It is wonderful that you are such a sweet husband and loving father to help out and share the load for her right now.

Any more thoughts about Robert Tiltin'-this-way-and-that, and the pain is only compounded. Puhhh-leeeeeze!! (Is he still alive???)

We love you!

JamesG3 said...

I'm with you on the Ranch thing, only for me it's lemon in my Coca-Cola. And do they have to look at me like I'm from outer space or NJ every time?

Robert Tilton...I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Then I remembered there are people who take him seriously. Oy.

Leland V said...

my pet peeve:
People who use "your" as an abbreviation for "you are" when they really meant "you're", as in "thank you" -- "your welcome."
