Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Grand Ole Opry!

The Grand Ole Opry celebrated its 85th anniversary this month. Our company Gary Musick Productions  was tasked with creating designs, banners, and finally a giant birthday cake to commemorate the big celebration. Keith Brogdon, our graphic artist, did a fantastic job on this stuff. This has ended up all over Nashville and the world-wide media. Kudos to Keith (who keeps me sane much of the time at work) for his awesome work...and to Eric Cardwell our tech director and others who made this happen. Great job everyone!

Here are some pictures of these designs and places they've been seen in the last 6 months...

The day these were going in, we were all so excited. Little did we know that a few short weeks later the Nashville Flood would hit.

Flood waters destroyed the Opry. and postponed plans to celebrate.

Our designs ended up on street poles all up and down Music Row and downtown on Broadway

Eric and the guys created a HUGE tiered birthday cake for the big celebration. Now, anyone out there who knows me at ALL knows how I feel about birthday cakes. I am pretty sure I had dreams about this one for weeks before it was out of our prop shop. And Dolly is looking pretty great...almost as good as the cake! For those of you who may not remember, Sheryl sang back up for Dolly on one of her records. She sounded amazing with her!

Here's to you, Opry members past and present...your music has been the sound track for much of my life! Thank you for sharing your hearts with us as well!

Happy 85th!


Tim Castle said...

Hadn't heard that Sheryl sang on one of Dolly's albums! Which one? (Not that I've got any of them!)

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Hey Tim--yeah, I can't remember the name of it but it's the patriotic one from a few years ago. Dolly did Whispering Hope on it and at one point she goes off into adlibs and you can just hear Sheryl loud and clear on melody. It's one of our little treasures. :)