Ella had her birthday party at "Jump U." yesrterday with some of her buddies. She had such a great time! Here are some pics from the party...

Sydney, Ella, Natalie, and Maddie

Ella and Nonnie

Natalie, Sydney. Ella, Breanna, Maddie

Sam and Michael Batson--we call them "double trouble". They are like twins.

Jill Batson and Sheryl--I love that they posed underneath that sign on the wall...very fitting.

Ella on the "Spider" tower

Maddie dominates on air hockey

Maddie ande Sydney duke it out

Ella and me

Ella and her good friend, Lola


Ella and Natalie have been good buddies since the beginning of their Kindergarten year

Breanna and her icing lipstick

Sydney Williamson

After the party we had a family birthday dinner at Toyama. Kiki and Gracie were there too. Gracie was having a good ol' time. Love her smile!

This picture looks so much like Sheryl to me

After Toyama we went home and Ella got family gifts. Kiki gave her a cool cupcake maker and my mom gave her a "Baby Alive". Apparently, they are the new thing and exactly what Ella (who loves baby dolls) has been wanting. The doll...well...the doll poops. Yeah, and it talks. I think I had nightmares about baby Chucky last night. Ella was so excited to get it and the cupcake maker. But, as she has reminded me time and time again, the best gifts are of the heart. And those are the kind of gifts she has given us for 7 years.
God, please bless Ella and keep stoking the fire in her heart. Change the world through her love for you. Teach us all to love you as she does.
I am SO behind on your blog and behind on yall's lives too! I miss you guys! Your posts about Ella brought tears to my eyes. PRECIOUS! Love that girl. I cannot believe she is 7. No sir.
I'm with you, Amanda. So precious - I echo your prayer, Brandon - for all of us. You are so loved!
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