Friday, February 10, 2006

Do you ever have days, weeks...where you want to just disappear? I can always tell when I'm overloaded. I want to quit everything. Everything. I know that's not my most rational side talking--but on those days it's how I honestly feel.

I haven't seen my family much this week. I don't feel a whole lot like leading worship. Just in sort of a funk today. It will pass, I'm sure. I just want you guys to know out there there ministers have these types of days too.

Thanks for your prayers!


Jacinda said...

I hope your weekend is a great one!

I also wanted to tell you that Chris ordered me a ZOE cd for Valentine's Day. Since the return address on the package said, "the ZOE group, Nashville, TN," and I'd been wanting one for a long time, I knew that's what it was, so he let me have it early! I am enjoying it very much and listening to it for probably the 3rd or 4th time today! Good job!

Amy Anderson Westerman said...

This, too, will pass my brother! Know that you are loved and needed! :)

You wouldn't be normal if you didn't have days like this! It makes you appreciate those days where everything seems right in the world even more!

Have a great day tomorrow and go play in the snow with the kids! :)


Adam said...

Prayed for you today, my friend. I know how you feel too. I've been there too (truth be told I'm a little there now). God bless.

Drew Battistelli said...

Chatted with God about letting you find Shalom these days...

I'm glad we're finally getting to a place where we can admit we don't wanna do what we're doing, but we hold out and hold on for God's power to just pull us through the muddy muck we've created.

I've been listening to ZOE music for about 2 hours now... I have a playlist of every ZOE CD that I listen to about once a month for several hours.


CL said...

I am feeling you my brother! Boy do I understand, my heart and prayers lift you to the Father. Thanks be to Him to who gives us the strength and stamina to get through our valleys. Bless you my brother!

Josh said...

Amen! Thanks for letting people know that Ministers are humans too.

Have fun with your family! Good luck with worship.

John Owens said...

Days? I've been in my minister/chaplain funk since about the second week of January. What is the secret to shortening this funk?

Beaner said...

I think a part of the funk might just be the time of year - aren't we all itching for Spring? for Renewal? for Life? I know I'm ready!!!! But make sure you find your own Spring of Renewal with God, so you can be filled up again! Blugs!!!

Welcome! said...

Thanks for your transparency. Rest in God's love and provision. He won't let you go! Good to see you in Fresno!
Amber Johnson

RD said...

awesome Brandon! I want to quit all the time! It helps to know that even the Energizer Bunny (that's you) gets tired on occasion. Peace and Sabbath to you and look forward to seeing you at Pepperdine.

Mark Lowenstein said...

There's always a "Jonah-feeling" every nowadays!! There's always a "belly-of-a-fish" experience. Been there, done that, back there again and doing it again! That's the grind of life.

Go to a "mountain" alone and pray. And bring a candle, take a nice, hot bath and move on! ;)

Kelly Vaughn said...

We were told at a minister's renewal week that sometimes, the most holy activity a minister can do is get away and take a nap! I've followed that rule alot more and it makes a huge difference. Even living in a culture that takes a "siesta", I would rebel and work myself through the heat of the day because there were too many thoughts swirling around me. Know I can remember those words and feel no guilt and get some good needed rest.

Hoots Musings said...

Hubby was in ministry and he said ministers need hugs as they are giving and pouring themselves out constantly. Who fills the ministers?

Rest and retreat Brandon.

You are loved.